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God's Commitment To Salvation

God's Commitment To Salvation

Regular price $40.00 USD
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God’s Decision to Send His Only Son to Earth God's decision resulting in Jesus’ birth in a nondescript barn, a life limited by human restrictions, requiring God to watch His Son die on the cross, but rejoicing with the resurrection. God was prepared to pay that awful cost to provide salvation for all humanity. This drama begins with the heavenly decision, through the birth and on through the crucifixion and resurrection. Appropriate for Christmas, Easter, or for any season. Cast: 22 (many can be doubled up)

  • VOG (offstage voice of God)
  • Angels: Brad, Michael, Gabriel, Angel2, Angel3 (5)
  • Lucifer, angel
  • Mary
  • Joseph
  • Innkeeper
  • Innkeeper’s Wife
  • Shepherds (4+)
  • Wisemen (3)
  • Centurion
  • Thief1 & Thief2 (2)
  • Crowd (number ?)

Bible Reference: John 3:16 Set: Two separate acting locations separated by lighting or where possible have Location 2 being a scrim set, particularly useful for:

  • Scene 8 - Hill of Calvary (with 3 crosses)
  • Scene 9 – Tomb (very rudimentary)

For set design see DramaTech Manual (for members)
For more information contact DramaShare Lighting: Standard Sound: Wireless mics if available Songs: Optional Suggested Songs: (or use any number of songs which you choose, at any point)

  • Were You There When They Crucified My Lord (American Spiritual)
  • Christ the Lord is Risen Today by Charles Wesley
  • One Drop of Blood by Ray Boltz
  • Does He Still Feel The Nails by Ray Boltz

SFX: Lightning and thunder, sound of gentle wind Costumes:

  • White angel robe for Brad
  • Black clothing for Lucifer
  • Long white robe for Jesus (after crucifixion) with single ornate cord, loincloth or more for the cross scene
  • Centurion costume

Props: Crown of thorns, Book of Life, camera for Brad Special Instructions: None Time: 45 minutes (without songs)

Sample of Script:

Scene 1

Brad wanders on stage wearing a white choir robe, acting like a tourist, looking around at everything in amazement and awe, snapping pictures.

Brad: Wowwww! I knew heaven would be some awesome place but this is, like, . . . wowwwww!

Brad thinks, feels his shoulders, back, thinks, frowns, suddenly gets an idea, runs a couple of steps and jumps, falls to the floor, gets up, very disappointed.


After a short time of playing this, Michael comes on stage.

Michael: Sorry to keep you waiting, I was busy with . . . . (watches Brad hopping around) . . . Mind if I ask what you are doing?

Brad: Well, there must be a mistake somewhere. I can’t fly!

Michael: You can’t fly?

Brad: Nope, see when I try I . . .

Brad again tries running, jumping, falls to floor.

Brad: See what I mean? Nothing!

Michael: Well, may I ask, have you ever been able to fly?

Brad: No, but then I have never been an angel before. Maybe when I came here to heaven I wasn’t assigned the right equipment, wings, halo, stuff like that. I mean, I am sure you have your wings and all . . .

Brad goes behind Michael, feels his back, frowns, disappointed.

Brad: I don’t understand! You don’t have wings either. Aren’t you an angel?

Michael: Yes, I am.

Brad: An angel? Without wings? (thinks, gets an idea) I got it! I saw a show on TV back on earth one time, this angel messed up and lost his wings. Did you see that show?

Michael: Uhh, I believe I may have missed that one. Now perhaps if we were to . .

Brad: Not to worry, I watched it several times, I remember what Chester did to get his wings back.

Michael: Chester?

Brad: Yep, Chester the Charming angel.

Michael: . . . . the Charming angel?

Brad: Disney Channel. But why don’t you have your wings on? How do you get around?

Michael: Well, here in the office walking has always seemed to work for me.

Brad: Don’t use wings in the office?

Michael: Never tried it but seems to me they would be in the way, folks would be forever bumping into each other, knocking things off shelves.

Brad: I can live without wings. But I do need my halo.

Michael: Ummmmmm, as I was saying . . . let’s get some of the paperwork done first and then we can talk about it.

Brad: No prob. . . (looks closely at Michael). . . Question . . . How come you’re not wearing regulation angel uniform?

Michael: Regulation angel uniform?

Brad: Yeh, you know, like me, white robe and all.

Lights down on Location 1.

Scene 2

As music begins in the dark, blue light (to represent sky) is projected on rear scrim.

Sound effect of gentle wind.

Slowly lights up on Location2 until actors (not God) are seen.

VOG: You are required to participate in my loving outreach to my people, the ones I made in my own image.

Lucifer: Outreach to those on earth? . . . Why bother? . . . Those people continue to live sinful and decadent lifestyles, they even follow other gods and not you Yahweh. Trust me, they aren’t worth it!

Angel 2: How many times do you forgive them?

Angel 3: They have proven time and again they will never follow the laws and commandments you have clearly provided through your prophets.

VOG: My children must be saved . . and I am the only one who can save them. They need God to go to them, live among them, be like them in every way.

Angel 3: No, it can not, it must not happen!

Angel 2: The very God! Going to live on earth? A common . .. . man?

Lucifer: I refuse to allow this to happen!

VOG, angry: You Day Star . . . . . refuse? (more angry) You . . . refuse?

Lucifer: It is unspeakable . . . . unthinkable.

Angel 2: Unfathomable!

Angel 3: Preposterous!

VOG: May I remind you to whom you are speaking?

Angel 2: You are the great I Am.

VOG: That is true. And you are the heavenly host, set somewhat above man, but regardless still having no right to question Me or My plans.

Angel 2: It is not that we question, only that we wish another, more acceptable alternative.

Angel 3: An option whereby Yahweh would not be humbled, destroyed.

VOG: Man can not live sinless lives. And my law dictates that there must be payment for sin, payment which man can not pay. I will take on human form, live on earth as a human, and take on the sins of all. In order that I take on humanity my reputation, might and power must be left behind.

Lucifer: But why must all godliness be set aside?

VOG: You forget, angel, I have made man in my image, therefore seeds of godliness dwell in the heart of man.

Angel 2: Seeds perhaps, but seeds which, like the good seed among the weeds and thistles, will always fight a losing battle to man’s sinful nature.

Angel 3: Please remember, your sinless nature can not stand the sight of sin. How then will you live among sin?

VOG: Humanity will not see how I relate to them unless and until I am seen as being one with them.

Lucifer: But you do not understand! There must be an overall order within existence! And you are . . . God!

VOG: And you are angel, and would do well to remember that fact!

Angel 2: Consider Lord God Jehovah, Yahweh! You have position.

VOG: And that position I leave behind today.

Angel 3: You can not exist without your position . . . .

Lucifer: Without your omnipotence!

Angel 2: Without your majesty!

VOG: You speak as though I will be entirely defenceless.

Angel 3: No, not entirely defenceless, but . . . common.

VOG: Yes, common as my people are common, and in the same way that my people are not defenceless nor will I be without defence.

Lucifer: Will you not reconsider? This course on which you are setting out will only bring doom to the godhead, and for what? Man, in spite of this, will always be . . . man!

Angel 2: Day Star, how dare you speak in this manner with Yahweh?

Angel 3: We share your concerns, Day Star, but we as angels must never condemn the decisions of Almighty God!

VOG: Yes, indeed, Day Star, your fellow angels give good counsel to which you would be wise to listen. (pause slightly, and more sadly) And also understand, there is no other way to save man.

Lucifer: Forgive me, Yahweh, you are wrong, this is the wrong course of action, you must use cunning and wisdom in dealing with man

VOG, with great anger, emotion: Enough, Day Star, . . . Lucifer! And, no, I shall not forgive you! For today you have stepped over the line which separates The Almighty God from all others.

Lucifer falls to the floor.

VOG: You are banished forever from the heavenlies, do not return!

SFX: Flash of lightning and sound of thunder

Lucifer quickly crawls offstage.

VOG, softly: Now then . . . Gabriel, come!

Gabriel comes on stage, kneels, looks downstage head bowed.

Gabriel: I am listening Yahweh.

VOG: Gabriel, you will go to earth, to the town of Nazareth. There you will meet a young woman, Mary. I have chosen her to be the mother of the Messiah I have promised to my people.

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