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DramaShare Ministries

Get Real

Get Real

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Being open, being a true Christian, one who walks the walk and talks the talk. A thoughtful comedy.

This drama involves four people – Tyler, Tanya, Tina, and Mary-Beth. They are all teenagers, so the actors would wear appropriate clothing for that age.

Sample of script:

Scene opens as all four youth are sitting on chairs in a row, side-by-side. This is to indicate sitting in a church pew. They should be staring straight ahead, no expression. When lights come up on them, they should hold this “freeze” pose for no longer than 10 seconds.

Mary-Beth: Stands and stretches her arms. Well, that was wonderful! I have heard that speaker before, but I enjoy him every time. He just seems to put God’s word into such obvious perspective.

All stand with Mary-Beth.

Tyler: I agree! He sure knows how to speak in a way that makes everyone stand up and take notice! (Turning toward the audience, as if looking at an imaginary person, puts on a big smile.) Oh, hi Pastor Timmons! Yes, loved the service!

Tanya: Huge fake smile. Very challenging. (Pauses, then quickly turns off the smile.) Well, enough of this chit-chat! Let’s go get something to eat!

Tina: I’m starved! We should try that new pizza place down the street! I hear that’s where the entire football team goes to party!

Tyler: Very sarcastic. Hooray.

Tanya: Oh, yeah! I also heard from Sheila McGrady that Erin Simms told Michelle Olain that (emphasizing) Peter Hanson will be there tonight!

Mary-Beth: Sarcastic. Sounds like a real reliable source.

Tyler: Do we have to go there? I want to go to the Peach Café, because Ronald Whittier told Jeff Maymont that the lady who runs the place is so old that you can tell you already paid before you ate, and she’ll believe you! Come on, it’ll be a riot!

Tanya: I guess it would be a cheap meal!

Mary-Beth: Shocked. What? Are you guys actually serious?

Tina: Ignoring Mary-Beth. I’m not going to some old lady’s restaurant! We are going to the pizza place! Besides, they hardly ever card you if you want a drink! Now let’s go! (Quickly puts on a smile and looks at audience.) You look fantastic, Donna! (Pauses.) Of course your head doesn’t look too big with your new hair-do! (Pauses, turns smile off then turns back to her friends.) Can you say ‘supersized’?

All except Mary-Beth laugh.

Mary-Beth: Unbelievable! You three are probably the best actors I’ve ever seen!

Tyler: Why, thank you - I think!

Mary-Beth: You are playing the biggest role you probably have ever played.

Tanya: What are you talking about, now?

Mary-Beth: I am saying that you three have the role of being a Christian down perfectly! Congratulations!

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