DramaShare Ministries
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Two children talk about gentleness being soothing, complaining is unsettling.
How gentleness was displayed by the Lamb of God, Jesus, and is remembered in a Grandma reading a story from the Bible.
Could be a puppet script
Cast: 2 m or f young
- Billie
- Bobbie
Bible Reference: Galatians 5:22,23
Set: bare
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
- actors are, (or made up to look), young)
Time: 7
Sample of script:
actors are on stage
Billie: Borinnnnnnnng! It is so boring around here on a rainy day! Nothin’ to do!
Bobbie: Got that right, Billie! But surely there must be something to do.
Billie: Wanna give me a “for instance”, Bobbie?
Bobbie: Well, I don’t know, like maybe . . . . not sure, don’t you have any ideas? What does your family do on wet days when you can’t do any worthwhile stuff?
Billie: Complain, mostly!
Bobbie: Other than complaining.
Billie: I dunno. Sometimes we play games.
Bobbie: How do you play games, Billie, can’t go outside, it’s too wet.
Billie: No, I mean like, games in your mind.
Bobbie: Such as . . . .
Billie: I dunno, . . .well there used to be this game we would play, someone would say a word and everyone would say a word that we thought of when we heard that word.
Bobbie: I can see why that game never made it to television.
Billie: You have a better idea I suppose Bobbie McAllister?
Bobbie: Big.
Billie: What do you mean, “big”?
Bobbie: You said we were supposed to think of a word, then the next guy would think of a word that he thought of when he . . .oh you know! So what is the word you think of when I say “big”?
Billie: I duuno. God.
Bobbie: I say “big” and you say “God”?
Billie: Yep. God. God is big. He is everywhere.
Bobbie: Well, yeh, I guess. Okay, your turn.
Billie: Let’s see. “Yucky”.
Bobbie: “Yucky”? You can’t say “yucky”, Billie!
Billie: Just did, Bobbie, so there! Now you tell me the word that you think of when I say “yucky”.
Bobbie: This is tough, “yucky”. . . , let’s see. I know! Kissin’ boys (girls).
Billie, gagging: Oh, gross! “Kissin’ boys (girls).” That is way past yucky!
Bobbie: I know. (pauses) How about “soft”?
Billie: Soft? That would be my Grandma.
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