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Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

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Dealing with temptation in Eden Court. This comedy looks at the lives of Adam and Eve. Eve deals with a slithery and very convincing character named Slick, and they all find it hard to say no to an apple.

Cast: 3

Biblical Reference: Genesis Chapter 2

Sample of script:

Three actors come on stage as if just waking up.

Eve: Good morning Adam! Isn’t it a gorgeous morning!

Adam: Really is, but then, it’s always a beautiful morning in Eden Court! Never rains, never snows, we never have a wind that’s more than just a gentle breeze!

Slick: What do ya mean, beautiful? It’s borrrring around this place!

Eve: Oh, but just look at the lovely trees, and all of the birds! Don’t you just love their singing?

Adam: Personally, I particularly like the robins, they have such nice, throaty voices!

Slick: Can’t see why I can’t fly around and sing, just like those robins! Not fair, that’s what!

Eve: Oh, but Slick, there are so many things that each of us can do here in Eden Court! I feel so lucky!

Slick: Lucky? Not! Yucky, try! Look, I’m going to go for a walk, over by the post office, maybe climb a tree.

Adam: Remember what our Keeper said, . . . .

Slick, mimics Adam: Yes, I ‘remember what our Keeper said’! Keeper! More like “warden”!

Adam: How can you say that Slick? Our Keeper looks after us wonderfully well!

Slick: You would say that, wouldn’t you? Mr. Perfect! I bet you’ve never even dreamed about going near Dreamer’s Park, let alone pick some of the fruit from the garden there!

Adam: No, Slick, I have not! You know as well as I do that the Keeper said that area was off limits, and that we must not eat the fruit from that garden! And, no, I am not perfect, I just don’t intend to let the Keeper down, after all, He trusts us.

Slick: Oh, give it a rest! Look, I’m outta here! Never know, I just might go over to Dreamers Park and . . .

Adam: Slick! Don’t be foolish! You know very well . . ..

Slick: . . . ‘you know very well’! How do you put up with him, Eve! Doesn’t he ever lighten up?

Eve: Well, no, Adam is a fine man, I mean, he’s always been . . . .

Slick: Don’t tell me! He’s always been Mr. Perfect! Bye all! Be blessed! Sheeesh!

Slick leaves stage

Adam: You know, Eve, I’m worried about Slick! He’s, well, he’s always complaining, unhappy about something. Especially I’m concerned about how he is so disrespectful to our Keeper.

Eve: Well, I know that Slick is sometimes difficult, but, really, Slick is a good guy. I mean, he’s always around, and he can be good company. I don’t know, maybe it’s just that we are too hard on Slick. Even our Keeper, pleasant as He is, He seems to be very critical of Slick.

Adam: How can you say that, Eve! Our Keeper is kindness itself! I have only seen our Keeper upset once, and that was when Slick was looking through the gate, into Dreamers Park. . . .

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