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DramaShare Ministries

From Hallelujah To Hatred

From Hallelujah To Hatred

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Cast Number

Crowds are fickle. Are now and always have been.

The shout of adulation of Palm Sunday quickly changed to the shout of hatred from the angry crowd at Calvary.

And those opinion swings are still in vogue today.
Will you shout Hosanna or Crucify?
Bible Reference:  Luke 19:40

Cast:   3            

Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:   standard

Props:  sunglasses, floppy hat

Time:  5

Sample of script:      

Marilyn and Sam are on stage at a table, drinking coffee

Sam:   Don’t you just love this Marilyn?

Marilyn:   Drinking coffee? . .  Well, I don’t drink a lot of coffee, but it’s nice when it’s with a good friend like you, Sam.

Sam:  Well the coffee too, but what I mean is it’s really fascinating just sitting, watching people go by.

Marilyn: Yes, I love people-watching too, Sam. It always hits me that with all the billions of people in the world every person is unique.

Sam:  Yes, especially my mother-in-law, but that’s a subject for another day.

Marilyn, points to an offstage location:     
See, over there . . that’s my neighbor from down the street . . I’ve tried several times to get to know her but she just doesn’t seem interested.

Sam, puts her head down:   
Don’t look now but there comes Twila Robertson . . . Avon lady, Welcome Wagon representative, real estate agent and financial sales professional! . . There’s simply nothing she can’t fix if you have the nerve to put up with her for a couple of hours.

Marilyn, chuckles:    
It’s OK, you can get back up from under the table, Twila is gone.

Sam:  Whew! . . That was close.

Stephanie comes on stage wearing floppy hat and sunglasses, looks around cautiously, sits at a table near the others, holds newspaper to partially obscure her face

Marilyn:   That’s Stephanie Cruikshank isn’t it?

Sam: Where?

Marilyn, points:     
At that table.

Sam:   I didn’t recognize her, wearing that big hat and sunglasses. . .  Not that I blame her for trying to hide, after what she did!

Marilyn:  What did Stephanie do?

Sam:  You know! . . . The whole financial thing . . .

Marilyn:  Sam! . .  You were the one who was shouting the praises of Century Financial at the beginning!

Sam:   That was before the crooked Cruikshanks pulled the rug out from underneath everyone. . .  Tons of people lost their homes over that scam.

Marilyn:  It has never been proven that the Cruikshanks did anything wrong. And I have never heard of anyone here losing their home.

Sam:  How can you stand up for them, you lost money same as the rest of us.

Marilyn:  Sam, the Securities Commission stopped trading on Century Financial, they are investigating and will issue a report. It could be that everything is fine. . . And if it turns out that we do lose some money, we only invested a small amount, and we all know that when we invest in things like this, we can win big, but we can lose big too.

Sam:   I always thought there was something fishy about that couple.

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