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DramaShare Ministries

Free Choice

Free Choice

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Cast Number

Parenting, good and not so good.

Two fathers in a hospital waiting room discuss the arrival of their newsest children. One not really into this "church thing", and the other thanking God for His goodness. Hospital waiting rooms, like any other places are good opportunities for witnessing.

Cast:    4

  • Nurse
  • Mr. Cameron
  • Mr Harrison
  • Mr. Arnold
    • All men would be in twenties / thirties.

Bible Reference:    Joshua 24:15

Set:  hospital waiting room, couch, chairs, table, signs and pictures on the wall show this is obstetrics ward

Lighting:    bright hospital lighting

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: taped sounds from hospital, doctor being paged, baby crying, etc.

Costumes:      men have normal leisure clothes, nurse has scrubs

Props:     styrofoam coffee cups, magazines, candy cigars

Special Instructions:   none

Time:     15

Sample of script:

When lights come on, fathers-to-be are pacing back and forth, waiting for the birth of their children. Some drinking coffee, others absent-mindedly reading magazines. At  times indicated in script nurse comes to inform another man he is now a father.

Nurse comes on stage.

Nurse: Mr. Arnold. Congratulations, you are the father of an 8 pound, 6 ounce baby boy!

Arnold: Did you hear that, I'm a father, I'm a father! Man wait till I tell all my friends. (Pulls a cigar out of his pocket, sticks it in Cameron's mouth). Here, have a cigar!

Cameron, hands back cigar: Sorry, I don't smoke, but congratulations anyway!

Arnold: Well here, have a candy cigar! See, it says, "It's a Boy", right here, in licorice!

Cameron: So you knew it was going to be a boy?

Arnold: It's our fifth child, we have four daughters. This one simply had to be a boy! I got to go and let all my friends know! Man, a son! We done great!

Arnold leaves room, Harrison approaches Cameron.

Harrison: That guy sure is on top of the world! I'm glad that he got his son but we will have a daughter. We are going to call her Marie.

Cameron: Oh, I suppose you have four sons!

Harrison: No, this is our first child. We went to a fortune teller and she told us it would be a girl. Besides, I wouldn't want a son who someday would have to go through what I've gone through tonight, waiting here in this waiting room is awful!

Cameron: It isn't easy, but I would guess that our wives have gone through a little more trauma than we have tonight.

Harrison: Your first, too?

Cameron: Yes. My wife and I are thankful to God that we will be parents.

Harrison: God. I take it that you are, . . that is you go to church.

Cameron: Yes, we are Christians. Are you a Christian too?

Harrison: Oh, yeh, yeh, 'course! Christians, yep, that's us. Well, we don't go to church right now, but both I and Nancy went to church when we were kids. And of course we will have Marie baptized. We want to use the baptism gown that Nancy wore when she was baptized, and Nancy's mother wore the same gown when she was baptized. You know, kind of a family thing.

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