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DramaShare Ministries

Foxhole Religion

Foxhole Religion

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Fighting the enemy . This comedy deals with reading the Bible in order to be properly equipped to identify the enemy then know what "weapons" we can use to bring the Word of God to the people for protection.

Props:  Overturned table for wall to work behind or can use piles of pillows like sand bags, machine guns or rifles (2) nice if they are cap guns to make noise, walkie talkies (2), Bible, tape player and war sound effect, sergeant and private costumes.


  • Sergeant (war savvy and wise),
  • Private (panic stricken and confused),
  • (Person for voice of God on other walkie talkie)

Setting: Sergeant is in Foxhole shooting in a battle, battle sounds in background, Private runs and jumps into Foxhole frantic.

Run-Time: 6

Sample of script:

Private: [Stands and aims butt of gun at the enemy and shouts] BANG-BANG- BANG - I'll show you - BANG-BANG-BANG.

Sergeant: [Watches knowingly-sighs and shakes his head- then pulls the boy down where it is safe] Git down here private! You tryin to git killed?

Private: [Confused] But I've gotta get them before they get me.

Sergeant: [Calmly] Yes, but son you have to know what you're doing. For instance, do you know how to use that Faith your holding? (Sergeant picks up the gun] It won’t work with out Jesus. Looks like your gun isn't even loaded with His Spirit.

Private: [Flustered] But, all I know is they almost got me. What am I supposed to do?

Sergeant: Son, how'd you git in this army anyway?

Private: Well, I only really call on God when I need Him, and I got in bad trouble, and well I just got so scared I enlisted.

[Battle Sounds get louder, they duck down until the sounds die down some]

Sergeant: Well Foxhole religion isn't enough son. First you have to build a relationship with Jesus, He's the Commanding Officer, only He has the battle plan and He always knows where the enemy is. To make a move without Him is just suicide. We keep in touch with Him with this Prayer and Praise [hold up walkie talkie]. You'll need to use this at all times.

Private: Gee thanks Sarge, but what about my Faith. [He hands the gun to the Sergeant backwards.]

Sergeant: Yes, without it your a gonner fer sure. Hold it like this. Point at the enemy. Make sure it's loaded with God's Spirit, and empty Faith is useless. Then take careful aim and shoot. [Sergeant hands gun to private for him to try.]

Private: [Private aims the gun at the Sergeant] Aim carefully, then . .

Sergeant: Whoa boy! I'm not the enemy! Know your enemy.

Private: [Aims toward front and shoots] Did I get him? Did I?

Sergeant: No son, you just shot a tree.

Private: [In extreme PANIC] But I don't know how to spot the enemy. I don't know how to use my Faith. I don't know how to use my prayer and praise to get to headquarters. Now I'm going to die. I just know I'm going to die. I don't want to die Sarge, you've got to help me. [sobbing loudly]

Sergeant: Calm down son, it's OK. That's why you need this. [Sergeant holds up Bible]

Private: [Sniffles - now has glimmer of hope] What's that Sarge.

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