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DramaShare Ministries

Forever Endeavour

Forever Endeavour

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Cast Number

There is only one forever, and that’s God’s love.

A fast talking salesman type can't convince two little kids, (nor a policeman), that a "get happy and rich quick" scheme can be better than Jesus in  your life.

Keywords: forever eternal everlasting

Cast: 5 m or f

  • Frank, the sleazy salesman type
  • Child 1, pre-teen
  • Child 2, pre-teen
  • Jeremy, late teen to any age
  • Chris, late teen to any age
  • (Note: actors may be male or female)

Bible Reference: 1 John 2:17

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none


  • standard except Frank who wears outlandish suit

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script

Frank comes on stage, Child 1 and Child 2 follow

Frank: Step right up! Come and get it! Our all new wear-ever, fail–never, forever endeavour. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the opportunity of the year, opportunity of all time!

Child 1 and 2 approach Frank

Child 1: Hey Mister! Whatcha doing here ?

Frank: Go away, kids!

Child 2: You did say “boys and girls”, . . .

Frank: Too busy for you guys, now, get!

Child 1 and 2 retreat to upstage left, watch silently
Frank takes a step toward audience, now more “sickeningly convincing”, continues

Dear friends, would you like to receive the ultimate, the everlasting gift?

Jeremy comes on stage

Jeremy: Listen, I just might take you up on that! Tell me more!

Frank: Well, come on down, (pronounced: dowwwen)! Now then, for our records, a little about you . . . name, phone number, credit card and bank account numbers; strictly, (stirictly), for our records, you do understand.

Jeremy: Well my name is . . .

Frank: Excuse me, sir, we list credit card and bank account numbers first on our Evermore, Limited., forms . . .

Jeremy: I didn’t get your name . . .

Frank: Frank. Frank Friendly. Frank and Friendly, at your service!

Jeremy: Mr. Friendly . . .

Frank: Call me Frank . .

Jeremy: Yes, uh, Frank, the name of your firm . . . Evermore . . .

Frank: Evermore, Limited! Home of the all new wear-ever, fail–never, forever endeavour.

Jeremy: Well, . . . Evermore . . . Limited? Isn’t that kind of like, an oxymoron?

Frank: Such a joker! Ha ha, oh my, my, now where were we, ahhh yes, teensy little details out of the way, credit card and bank account numbers. .

Jeremy: Shouldn’t we discuss your product first?

Frank: Just dying to find out all the details aren’t you? Don’t blame ya one little bit. Trouble is, our all new wear-ever, fail–never, forever endeavour is patented, copyrighted, frankly, can’t give all details ‘til you are one of us! Now, then, credit card, bank account numbers . . .

Jeremy: Well, I’m not sure about this, maybe I should . . .

Frank: Friend, friend, friend, look me in the eye, have I ever lied to you?

Jeremy: Well, no, but actually I have never met you before . . .

Frank: Doesn’t that prove it? Now, we do have a line-up here, waiting to get involved. . . .

Jeremy: All I see are two little kids .. . .

Frank: Smart little crickets, bringing parents, neighbours, gonna get in on the ground floor!

Jeremy: Well, I guess it’s a good deal, I am looking for something everlasting. .

Frank: You came to the right place! Put your future in Fred Friendly’s hands!

Jeremy: I thought you said your name was Frank Friendly . .

Frank: So I did, so it is . . Frank Fred Friendly, but I tell you, .(puts arm around Jeremy), only my very best friends, like you, get to call me Fred!

Jeremy: Well, OK, ˆˆ, here’s my financial information . .

Frank takes the paper, reaches over, opens up Jeremy’s wallet, takes out money

Frank: Need just a few dollars for registration fees! (looks in wallet, turns it upside down to show it is empty) That should just about do it. Now, then, we will be in touch real soon! Bye!

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