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DramaShare Ministries

Few Are Chosen

Few Are Chosen

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Cast Number

Missions work is spreading the Great Commission and having a heart for missions.

Cast: 5 m or f, any age

  • Captain
  • Assistant
  • Tracy
  • Lonnie
  • Jenny

Bible Reference: Matthew 9:37-38

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Sample of script:

Captain and assistant come on stage

Captain: Morning my good assistant, we have great needs for workers in the missions fields, and who do we have to candidate this morning?

Assistant: Fine crop I would say Captain, first off there is Tracy here.

Captain: Tracy, good to meet you. Tell us a little about you and why you would want to go on short-term missions.

Tracy: Well, see I have this burning desire to serve in the tropics.

Captain: Wonderful, we have some real needs in Ecuador, working with the nationals there.

Tracy: Ecuador? Sorry but do you have anything open in Jamaica? British Virgin Islands?

Captain: Matter of fact, yes, we do. There is an outreach group needs help building a new church.

Tracy: Building? As in . . . hammer, nails, saw . . .sorry, I just don’t think that’s where I see myself, er, that’s not what God has in mind for me at this juncture in my life.

Captain: You have talked this over with God?

Tracy: Well, I should say I have, why it was just last night when I said to Him . . . . no, not last night, didn’t get to talk to Him last night, I was out on a local outreach project here.

Captain: Really, local outreach project? Very good! Tell me more.

Tracy: Well, see, I and a few of my friends from our church group signed up for this bowl-a-rama outreach and, wow, it was simply a blast!

Captain: Great! Met with a lot of unchurched people did you?

Tracy: Unchurched? No! It was all just our church group from our church.

Captain: Nobody from the inner-city area?

Tracy: No! It was a church thing.

Captain: But you called it outreach.

Tracy: And so it was. Before we left the church we prayed and everything. And we even prayed when we got back to the church. That’s twice.

Captain: Never prayed at the bowling alley, huh?

Tracy: Some of the people wanted to but I just said, ‘no way are we gonna make a spectacle, praying in front of the heathen.’

Captain: There were heathens there?

Tracy: Wall to wall.

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