DramaShare Ministries
Fasting Concepts
Fasting Concepts
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Fasting has nothing to do with running fast.
A wacky comedy sermon starter on fasting and what the concept is all about.
Cast: 3 m or f
- Tracy
- Elaine
- Max
Bible Reference: Matthew 6:16
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
- Elaine and Tracy are in standard clothes
- Max is in workout clothing
Special Instructions: none
Time: 4
Sample of script:
Elaine and Tracy come on stage talking
Elaine: Like the pastor says, “This new sermon series is aimed at helping the folks in the pew understand some very important theological issues.”
Tracy: And, way I see it, Elaine, the series is truly hitting home with people. Take the sermon on meditation; I think a lot of folks picked up some new insights of the concept of meditation from the pastor’s message.
Elaine: Well, a lot did, Tracy, but I am not real sure Max got his mind around the concept.
Tracy: Well, being honest, Max has trouble with the concept about concepts, let alone understanding a standalone concept.
Elaine: No one can really dispute that. But I gotta tell you, I am some looking forward to the pastor’s theme this Sunday.
Tracy: Really? I hadn’t heard, what is the theme this Sunday?
Elaine: Fasting.
Tracy, patting stomach: I gotta tell you, I could sign up on that plan for a month or so.
Elaine: My guess is that the concept goes a bit beyond weight loss.
Tracy: I suppose you are right, but . . . . .
Max comes running on stage, bumping into things
Elaine: Heyhoo, slow down there Max. Where you going in such a hurry?
Max is puffing, can’t get his breath, struggles to speak
Max: Church . . .. pastor . . . . sermon . . . . gotta be ready . . . gotta go . .
Max starts to run again, Elaine and Tracy grab his arm, talk to him
Tracy: Where you going man?
Elaine: Yeh,