DramaShare Ministries
Faithful and True
Faithful and True
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We can count on God. This monologue is from Miriam's (cousin of Martha and Lazarus), point of view. She was a disciple of Jesus. She saw His work; she saw the miracles. She attended the Last Supper. He isn't going to die, is He?
Sample of script:
actor comes on stage
What words can describe the last few hectic days?
Exhilarating, fascinating!
Oh yes, and, frightening!
actor pauses as though to listen, turns to the audience
Who am I? I am Miriam, cousin to Martha, Mary. And to Lazarus, beloved friend of Jesus, the Christ. Today, I am a disciple, one of the many women who are followers of Jesus.
As a disciple I have seen, up close and personal, the amazing ministry of the prophet of Nazareth, He the sometimes carpenter, sometimes itinerant preacher of the back roads of our Judean society.The one they call Jesus, the Messiah.
The one I call Master.
Jesus, the Christ.
The Son of the Living God.
I first heard of Him from my brother, Eli. Eli had left our home at Ephraim, near the Jordan River, to live in the desert near the neighbouring town of Bethany, and there to be a disciple of another prophet, John the Baptizer. Eli, a mere teenager, was electrified by the teachings of the desert prophet, and I must admit that I too found the dreams of my soul coming alive, through the words and the teachings of John.
The priests and the Levites pressured John as to who he truly was.“Are you the Christ?”To which John clearly answered, “I am not, in fact I am unworthy to do so much as carry the sandals of He who will soon come.”
“Well then, are you Elijah, or one of the prophets of old?”To this too John stated clearly he was not.
John indicated to all his role in God’s master plan. Although I did at times find it confusing, I was made to understand that John’s task was that of a forerunner, a precursor to He who would one day come, the long awaited Messiah.
The long-awaited Messiah.
John the Baptizer seemed so sure of himself, so confident that he would have no trouble knowing the Messiah.
Fine for John the Baptizer to say, but what of myself, an uneducated woman? How could I know with certainty? There were so many deceivers, so many who made lofty pronouncements of being the Messiah. One after the other proved phoney, counterfeit, bogus. Each impostor came and made auspicious declarations of verifiability, only to have their credentials exposed as unfounded, then to quickly fade away to a chorus of Roman laughter and insults.
Yes, how would I know the true Messiah when finally He came?I, and countless generations before me, had heard at mother’s knee the prophesy that soon would come the Messiah, He who would deliver the nation from the stranglehold of persecutors and oppressors. And who would rein forever.
The forever King.
Although the arrival of the long expected One seemed to suffer delay after delay, never once did our people lose faith, or doubt that the coming would actually happen. After all, it was promised; promised by none other than the Lord God Jehovah, He who is forever faithful and true.
You dare question this certainty?
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