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DramaShare Ministries

Extreme Servanthood

Extreme Servanthood

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Cast Number

We need to learn more about serving.

In this drama we learn Jesus meant for us to serve quietly and without fanfare. We try to help make the lives of others better.

Cast:   5 (m or f)

  • Tom
  • Terry
  • Janice
  • Tonia
  • Mary
  • VOG (Voice of God)

Bible Reference:    Ephesians 6:7

Set:  bare


Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX:  none

Costumes:  standard

Props:  none

Special Instructions:   none

Time:     25

Sample of script:

all actors come on stage and are seated

Tom: I’m so glad that all of you have joined me tonight for an evening of prayer.

Terry: Great to be here Tom, great to be in prayer, listening for what the Lord would say to us, what he would have us do, working toward His kingdom on earth.

Janice: You have got that so right, Terry! Why all the way over to the church tonight I have been so excited, wondering what God would lay on our hearts.

Tonia: Well, I want to tell you, all that’s important to me is to be serving Him.

Mary: You are so right! I want to tell you that I am just an open vessel, ready to do His will here on this miserable planet!

Tom: Why don’t we start then? Brother Terry, why don’t you just go ahead and lead us in prayer? All of the rest of us, we will follow along as we are lead.

Terry: Thank you Brother Tom. Will you just bow with me right now then? Dear heavenly Father, we, your humble servants come before you tonight, seeking your will in our lives. We look to You for direction as to what You would have us do, to be Your hands and feet, Your voice and Your ears, oh Lord.

VOG: I am so pleased that all of you are here. There is so much to be done.

Tom: Who was that? Who said that?

Janice: I will tell you who it is, it’s that brat Johnny Anderson. Johnny, you get out of that sound booth right now, or I will be calling your mother!

Mary: Well, let me tell you, whoever it was, I am not amused! Brother Terry, continue again, please.

Terry: God, we just ask that You speak to us tonight . . .

VOG: I am pleased to have the opportunity to talk to you. Like I said, there are so many needs and . . . .

Tom: There it goes again. I want to tell you, this has gone far beyond funny! Now whoever this is, make yourself known, and immediately!

VOG: It is Me. God. Your heavenly Father. You called me, remember?

Terry: God? You mean like . . . God?

VOG: The one and only actually.

Janice: Look, I think we really oughta have some proof . . .

VOG: Sorry, I forgot my ID at home. But you may remember conversations we have had. Last night, Janice, if you will remember, you were inquiring about whether I could arrange a husband for your daughter. You did sound desperate!

Janice: I beg your pardon? Husband? Daughter? Why I did no such . . .

VOG: Oh, so that wasn’t you? Too bad, I had someone lined up, better make a note to Myself, cancel the handsome, rich and compassionate man we had lined up.

Janice: Wait, wait, just one minute, if You have gone to all that work, I mean . . .

Mary: It truly is You, isn’t it? Thanks for talking with us God.

VOG: Yes, it is and I want to tell you, Mary, it was awesome talking with you last night, and again in your devotions this morning too. I am amazed at how you are growing in your faith. Very good!

Mary: Seems like my relationship with You is getting more strong as each day goes by.

Tonia: Excuse me God, but sorry I didn’t get to talk to You last night. My son, You know, Billy, he was so sick.

VOG: Yes, I know Billy was sick. I was hoping maybe you might call and we could talk it over together.

Tonia: I realize You have so much on Your plate, I don’t like to bother You with Billy’s sniffles.

VOG: There is nothing in this whole world more important to me than Billy, sniffles and all.

Tom: Well, see, God, er, Heavenly Father, . . .what is it You would like us to call You?

VOG: Frequently.

Tom: Frequently?

VOG: It’s a God joke.

Tom: Uhhhhh, yehhhhhh, quite, quite humorous too, I must say. However, seeing as how You are here tonight . . .

VOG: I am always here. Like I said, where two or more or gathered . . . let’s see . . one, two, .. . yep, this qualifies.

Tom: Another God joke, right?

VOG: Nope, that was a flat out reference to My word, the Bible. You have one there in your hand.

Terry: Actually, it is likely good You are here tonight . . .

VOG: Likely? Likely good I am here? This is my house, the church, I am here a lot.

Terry: No, what I meant was, we are seeking the Lord . . .

VOG: That’s Me.

Terry: Yes, well, we are seeking the . . . that is to say, seeking You . . . to find what Your will is as far as how we may best serve You.

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