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Extraordinary News

Extraordinary News

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A newspaper boy tries to sell his newspapers to a tough-sell group who feel there is nothing newsworthy or of interest in the news. Is there nothing extraordinary in this very ordinary world? What about the message of God’s love?

Written for Assembly of God Fine Arts Competition 2009.

Cast: 6 or more
NP boy (Newspaper boy)
Person1, shows hurt
Person2, shows worry
Person3, shows sadness
Person4, is very overbearing
Person5, shows kindness
Person6, shows insecurity
extras for crowd (all actors are part of the crowd lines)

Costumes: Newspaper boy is dressed in traditional clothing. Person5 is dressed as a little old lady with wire-rim glasses. All others standard clothing

Props: Newspapers, bag

Sample of script:

group of people are standing around, talking, newspaper boy comes on stage carrying papers
NP boy: Paper, paper, read all about it!
no one is paying any attention so NP boy speaks louder
NP boy: Paper, paper, read all about it!
still no one pays any attention, NP boy speaks much louder
NP boy: Paper, paper, read all about it!
group look at NP boy, annoyed, move a step away from him, NP boy moves closer to group, approaches group members individually
NP boy: Paper sir?
individual glares at NP boy, turns his/her back to him, NP goes on to next group person
NP boy: Paper ma’am?
same results, moves to Person1
NP boy: Paper sir? . . . Late breaking news: Headline is “World economy hits record low”.
Person1: “World economy hits record low”??? . . . Hardly late breaking news, that’s old news! For sure I have my bruises over the economic mess we are in! Way commonplace is what that news is!
Crowd, various: “Isn’t that the truth” . . “Hardly a big deal” . . . “Commonplace indeed” . . “Not super-remarkable at all, is it?” etc.
NP boy moves on to Person2
NP boy: Paper ma’am? . . . Read all about it! . . . 35% increase in violent crimes.
Person2: How can you call that news? . . . Don’t have to read a newspaper to see that crime is way outta control, just look out your window! . . I tell ya it’s got me worried sick is what! . . Crime seems pretty mediocre news to me!
Crowd, various: “Crime epidemic” . “Crime’s not news” . “Nothing great there” . . “Big deal” etc.
NP boy moves on to Person3
NP boy: Paper sir? . . Get the news while it is news, know all about the news! . . CEO of the nation’s largest bank sent to jail on fraud charges.
Person3: Fraud? . . Since when is fraud news anymore? . . How d’ya figure these executives finance their multi-million dollar lifestyles? . . They are all crooks I tell ya! Best go get some real news if you want to sell them newspapers; that news is just flat out routine, sad to say!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, is available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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