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Extraordinary Fashion

Extraordinary Fashion

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“Out of This World” Fashion Symposium is on, and everyone who is anyone, (and many who are not), are in attendance, promoting their latest creations.

The slogan for this year’s conference is “Out With the Ordinary” so every designer is looking to be seen as “unordinary” in all that they do, showing off their “fashion sense” to their adoring public.

Written for Assembly of God Fine Arts competition 2009, this script qualified for nationals competition, congratulations New Life Community Church!

Cast: 5 m or f

  • Patricia, very snooty
  • Sandra, Patricia’s helper
  • Linda, kind and gentle
  • Brian, Linda’s helper
  • Tracy, worker at the show
  • may be a number of people for crowd, no speaking lines

Bible Reference: 1Samuel 17:45

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • tables, cloth, clothing, needles and thread, heavy suitcase


  • variety from standard to wild

Special Instructions:

  • If being performed for competition be sure to carefully time your performance to ensure it doesn’t run over 5 minutes.

Time: 5

Sample of script:

people onstage rushing around, carrying clothing, Patricia and Sandra come on stage, Sandra carrying very heavy suitcase

Patricia: Sandra, (pronounces “Saw-hawn-draw”), come along dear! . .

Sandra: Coming as fast as I can, and what’s with Saw-hawn-draw, my name is Sandra.

Patricia: Sandra is so very ordinary, and, since the theme of the conference is “Out With The Ordinary”, well, we shouldn’t be ordinary. . So, here at the fashion show with all the celebrities on hand, we insist your name be pronounced Saw-hawn-draw. . Now, we mustn’t be late, our adoring fans are dying to see our creations.

Sandra, struggling: Well, Patricia, if I could have a little help with. . “our” . . luggage maybe?

Patricia, upset: Puhleease, don’t call me Patricia in this snooty crowd! . . Please remember my name is pronounced “Pah-haw-treece Shah-haw-dewees”!

Sandra: Wow! . . Mind telling me how you get . . whatever you said . . out of Patricia Shandawish, which has been your real name like forever!

Patricia: Please don’t say my name that way around here, it is so ordinary! Now our bags!

Sandra: Like I said, . . Pah-haw-treece, . . if these heavy suckers are “our” bags, then “us” people both better get working at moving “our” bags! “We” need some help!

Patricia: We could not agree with you more darling, (pronounced dahhling)! . . . Nerve of the organizers of this “Out of This World Fashion Symposium” . . they ought to provide menial help to help our menial help carry our luggage! . .

Sandra: So now I am Shaw-hawn-draw the menial help?

Patricia: We shall speak with the organizers is what we shall do! . . . After we get ourself properly noticed by our adoring fans of course.
(“sees” unseen person, goes downstage, phony smile, reaches out, kisses both cheeks)
Amanda, darling!. . You look ravishing as always, darling! (dahhhling)
(moves to Sandra, speaks in an aside, looks downstage “toward” unseen person)
Do you just see what that woman is wearing! . . Every year it’s the same, have to wonder which stable she visited to get that old horse blanket!
(to Sandra)
Sandra, darling, must we speak to you again dear? . . . We are late dear, and it is almost time for our symposium to begin. . . . Come along now dear, hurry along!

Sandra: Like I say, maybe if “we” would carry some of this luggage it would help!

Patricia: You mean, carry, as in “me carry”? . . How quaint the thought! . . Sandra dear, you perhaps forget . . We are Patricia Shandawish, (pronounced Pah-haw-treece Shah-haw-dewees), . . and a person in our position does not do . . . “carry”!

Tracy: Is there a Patricia Sandwich here?

Patricia: We shall have you know that our name is Pah-haw-treece Shah-haw-dewees!

Tracy: Then it ain’t you I am lookin’ for. . It’s right here . . (reads from paper) . Patricia (spells). S-h-a-n-d-a-w-i-s-h . . Oh I guess that’s not “sandwich” it’s somethin’. . like . . “shandwich”! . . So ma’am are you Shandwich?

Patricia: May we repeat . . our name is Shah-haw-dewees!

Tracy, confused: Both of you . .(points at Patricia and Sandra), . are Shah . . whatever you said?

Patricia: This is our assistant . . Sandra . . (pronounces Shaw-hawn-draw) . .

Tracy: Whooo! And just how might you spell that one?

Patricia, rolls eyes: It is spelled, S-a-n-d-r-a, . . Sandra (Shaw-hawn-draw) . . And who might you be?

Tracy: Well, my momma named me Tracy but if it feels better why don’t you go ahead and call me Traw-haw-saw? . . . Anyhow, this is your display table for the show, you can get your stuff ready for the crowds arriving . .(looks at watch) . . in about 30 minutes.

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