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DramaShare Ministries

Experiencing Priceless Worship

Experiencing Priceless Worship

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Cast Number

Theme:   experiencing priceless worship

Scripture Reference: John 12:1-8

Keywords:    worship, love, forgiveness, trust

Cast (all mimes):   
M1 =  (male or female)

M2 = (male or female)

FM1 = main mime character (female)

MM1 = main mime character (male)


Set:  totally blank set

Costumes:    although not essential, all mimes would likely be dressed in traditional mime costumes.

Jesus is dressed in all white with hood over head to hide face from audience
M2 wears a shirt, sweater or coat with a removable arm.  Just take ordinary clothing, remove the stitching between body and arm, re-stitch very lightly using light nylon thread or string, don’t knot the thread at the clothing end so it can be easily pulled through, leave the end of the string with a loop at the end, well enough exposed that FM1 can easily grasp and hold on, removing the entire sleeve

Time:        varies, may be reduced or extended as desired


FM1:  comes on stage, looks around, as though looking for something.

picks up imaginary book, leafs through, yawns, closes book, puts it down

looks around, rather sad

looks down, mimes picking flower, sneezes, drops flower, shakes head negative, walks away from it

mimes picking up tennis ball and racquet, bounces ball on ground a few times, then hits ball, has to go and get it, hits it again, goes to get it, tired of this, throws the racquet on ground

walks around, bored

M1:         comes on stage, sees FM1, starts to strut, show off, mimes takes pack of cigarettes out of pocket, lights up, acts very suave

FM1:        watches M1, inquisitive.  As M1 parades around, shows off, FM1 becomes more and more impressed and as MI swaggers around stage FM1 becomes very impressed, looks up above M1, mimes “wow!”, goes down on knees in front of M1 in worship stance.

M1:         reacts favourably, shows off, takes big drag on cigarette, mimes choking, coughs continuously, starts to walk then crawls off stage, coughing

FM1:        watches in horror as M1 crawls off stage, looks out into audience with “I don’t believe this” look.  Waves in dismissal toward offstage direction to which M1 has gone.

Goes back to wandering, mimes picking up book, puts it down, playing tennis, puts it down, wanders aimlessly

M2:         comes on stage, struts, shows off same as M1 did.  Mimes showing off beautiful clothing, pats self, flicks imaginary dust from clothing, big and proud smile as shows off to FM1.

FM1:        VERY impressed, touches M2’s clothing, “wow!”, goes down on knees in worship stance, but as FM1 goes to knees she “accidentally” finds a loose thread which she pulls, it removes the arm from the jacket.

M2 is very embarrassed, rushes off stage, FM1 watches M2 leave, holds sleeve in her hands, laughs, shakes head.

FM1 goes through all the things that don’t “work”: book, tennis, smoking, clothing, shakes head, hands palms forward, pushes away, “nothing works!”

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, is available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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