DramaShare Ministries
Drums of Christmas
Drums of Christmas
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Wandering, and coming back to God.
Don has wandered from following God.
3 act play, the final act 3 happens 5 years later
The drama focuses on the keywords:
- worship: Psalm 95:6, Matthew 2:2, John 4:24, Romans 12:1
- forgiveness: Psalm 130:4, Acts 10:43, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14
- repentance: Jeremiah 15:19, Acts 17:30
- sorrow: Jeremiah 13:12
- guilt: Hebrew 10:22
Cast: 10 all aged through makeup
- Steve, various ages through makeup, characterization
- Maria, various ages through makeup, characterization
- Norm, various ages through makeup, characterization
- Trent, various ages through makeup, characterization
- Don, various ages through makeup, characterization
- Santa
- people of all ages for crowd scene
Bible Reference: Luke 2
- Performing stage at mall, some background changes between Scene II and Scene III to show a little turnover in stores, different items of clothing, etc., on display
- Drums are prominent on stage
Sound: wireless mic
- various Christmas songs and carols performed throughout the drama, (some are suggested but you may choose your own selections)
- the following songs are performed:
- I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
- Little Drummer Boy
- Here I Am To Worship
Lighting: as available
SFX: mall noise
Props: scroll
- the different scenes will show the various trends as dictated by era and age of person, might use wigs for Trent to show wild hair in Scene I, conservative hair style in Scene II and near bald in Scene III
Special Instructions:
- Scene I
Only Steve is seen on stage, going through sheet music, Marie’s off-stage voice is heard. - Video showing the band in teenage years comes up on screen at point indicated in the script, with Steve, Trent and Norm on guitar, Don on drums and Marie lead singer
Time: 45
Sample of script:
Steve: Hey, what time is it Marie?
Marie: It’s almost six-thirty.
Steve: Oh, man! Six-thirty? We have to be over at the church for band practice in less than half an hour! You know, three practices a week are about more than I can do, along with working two jobs and all.
Marie: Talk to our illustrious band leader!
Steve, laughs: OK so it was me that set it up for three practices a week. But the big thing is all the organizing I have to do as worship leader. Besides, if we are gonna get ready for playing at the mall before Christmas, we gotta get some stuff done. You know sometimes I feel like maybe it’s time for me to pack it in, let someone else at church run the praise and worship band.
Marie: Guess who would miss it most?
Steve: Yeh, I suppose I would miss it, but don’t you think it would be nice if we could spend more time at home with the kids?
Marie: Nice try dear, but we don’t have any children yet.
Steve: Was worth a try. (pause 3 beats) Been a long time for us, playing in a band, hasn’t it Marie? Remember back in high school?
(video up, band is playing, softly, focuses in on Marie, lead singer)
Steve: And even back then you were lead singer, the best talent we had in the whole band. Not sure why you agreed to join in with the rest of us in our dinky little garage band . .
Marie: Well, it did give me an opportunity to catch you, didn’t it dear?
Steve: Think the prize was worth the catching?
Marie: Love you hon!
Steve: Yeh, honey, I love you too. (video comes on, focuses in on lead guitar) Remember Zippit Henderson? No idea why we would turn a name like Trent into Zippit.
Marie: Zippit was the mile a minute talker, don’t you remember?
Steve: I forgot that. To this day Trent is one of my most faithful guys in the church worship band. (pause, laughs, video focuses on bass guitar player)
And Animal. There is simply no way that Norm ever was, is now, or ever will be an “Animal”! Some transition, from Animal, the hot licks guitar player to Norm Billingsgate, vice president at First City Trust & Loan!
(pause, video focuses in on drummer)
And then there was Ringo. Don was some drummer! Next to you Marie, likely Don was the only member of the band with a lick of commercial talent! Poor Don, sometimes I thought the only time he was really happy and at peace was playing those drums. Nice guy, Don. Just, I don’t know . . . restless, driven, obsessed, maybe. Strange, all the rest of us, Trent, Norm, you and I, Marie, still together, playing in a band, well, a church band now, but a band just the same. You and I married. Strange how life happens when you aren’t keeping track. And Don . . . haven’t seen him for years. Wonder where Don is now, what he’s doing?
(video off, pause, Steve looks at watch)
Steve: Oh man! Will you look at the time, we are gonna be late! Ready to go Marie?
lights out
Scene II
Band, (less Bob), aged somewhat, are playing Christmas songs on-stage in the mall, there are the usual mixture of shoppers, stopping to listen, others scurrying by, stressed out, carrying parcels. A Santa is mingling, talking to children
Band play and sing, “I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas” At end of song shoppers give polite applause
Steve: Nice to see all you folks here, we call ourselves “Praise Hymn”, we are from Ash Community Church on Eighth Street. This is our second year here at Riverside Mall, singing Christmas old favorites and carols, hope you enjoy them. I would like to introduce our band, at lead guitar is Trent Henderson. Trent not only plays a mean guitar, his gorgeous head of hair makes him the natural spokesman for Hair Affair Barber Shop just down the mall here. (Trent plays a few chords) Here next have Norm Billingsgate on bass. Norm is our resident bachelor, if you eligible ladies just look out for a flaming red Camaro tearing out of the parking lot, chances are, that’s Norm! (Norm plays a few chords) Marie Jones is our beautiful vocalist. (Marie waves) And I am Steve, husband of the beautiful vocalist. We were supposed to have Wally Andrews on drums today, but he came down with laryngitis and couldn’t be here. (frowns) Not sure why laryngitis should affect a drummer, but what do I know? But we have asked Trent to help up out in that department, and here’s what Trent has rehearsed for all week. Take it away, Trent!
Trent, speaks: Pa rum pum pum pum.
Steve: Didn’t that simply move you, folks? I think we need a big round of applause for our stand-in drummer Trent!
crowd gives polite applause
Marie: Steve, isn’t it nice to see all the people here buying gifts, the excitement of making that special purchase.
Steve: Well, where better to buy those special gifts than right here at Riverside Mall?
Marie: Oh my, you are smooth! But speaking of gifts, dear, I haven’t noticed you bringing my gift home yet.
Steve: You haven’t? That is to say, you haven’t have you?
Marie: No, I haven’t Steve.
Steve: Well, there is a very good reason for that actually.
Marie: And that very good reason would be?
Trent: Maybe a good time for singing another song, do you think, Steve?
Norm: I think we should hold off, I would like to see how Stevie Wonder here gets outta this jam!
Steve: Well, dear, actually I am just waiting for the stores to get just that right gift. You know how it is, second best just won’t do!
Steve turns his back partially to the audience to show fingers crossed behind his back.
Marie, smiling: Yeh, right!
Santa comes on stage
Santa: Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas! Did Santa hear a cry for help from little Stevie!
Trent: Nice move Steve, looking to have Santa get you out of a jam!Norm: Steve always did know who to call on for help.
Santa: Ho ho ho! May Santa make a suggestion, see, Santa just got a looooonngg Christmas wish list from little Marie.
Santa pulls out several pages, looks through them, some fall on the floor
Santa: Oh, my! Ho ho ho! Santa isn’t sure if he will be able to look after some of these. Like the Mercedes, not sure how Santa could get that in the sleigh! Ho ho ho! (pause, thinks) Now Santa just might have an idea! Perhaps little Stevie could bring little Marie her Mercedes? Ho ho ho!
Steve, smiling: Perhaps jolly old Saint Nick should go before he gets little Stevie in even more trouble than he is in now!
Marie: No, stay Santa, I like where this is heading.
Trent: Yes, little Stevie, a Mercedes, in blue, to match little Marie’s eyes.
Norm: Well, ho, ho, heavenly! A Mercedes convertible, from little Stevie, specially for little Marie! What a wonderful Christmas surprise!
Santa: Well I can see that the situation here is well under control so Santa will leave all you good little boys and girl in the band to work out the details! Ho ho ho! Oh, Santa almost forgot! About your Christmas wish, little Stevie. . . . Santa isn’t sure if he can bring along a drummer for the band, but then .. you never know, do you, it is Christmas after all! Ho ho ho! But it’s so nice to see all the girls and boys, and their parents too! Remember, Santa will be talking to all the girls and boys later this afternoon!
Steve: Bye Santa, see you later then. Now all of us in the band are going to go over to Starbucks here in the mall for a rest, but we will be back in fifteen minutes for another set. Before we go, Ash Community Church would like to remind you that in the midst of your Christmas celebrations, don’t forget the real reason for Christmas.
Steve comes downstage, showing he is coming off the mall stage, meets Santa
Steve, smiling: Thanks a lot for getting me in trouble, Santa!
Santa, laughs: No problem, I knew Marie would play along, but it would have been even funnier if the folks here realized we all attend church together.
Steve: You know, Todd . . .
Santa, fake concern: Shhhhh, it’s Santa! I am not Todd until my shift ends in . . . (looks at watch), about four long, grueling hours actually.
Steve: Whatever, Santa Todd, you love every minute of it! I’m glad you were able to get this extra job at the mall to help out while your wife is off work.
Santa: Yeh, it was wonderful, an answer to prayer. And Melanie seems to be getting stronger each day.
Steve: Another answer to prayer.
Santa: Listen, I better get going, there’s little kids waiting for Santa. Besides, all this talk about prayer, Santa’s not supposed to say anything remotely Christian while on duty.