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DramaShare Ministries

DramaTech Technical Manual

DramaTech Technical Manual

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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The DramaTech Manual Vol 2.0 has been rewritten and expanded to 200 pages, with over 200 illustrations and drawings. This easy-to-read manual now includes information on sound, lighting, set design, painting, building flats, backdrops, props use of special effects.
Manual is downloaded from our website saving you time and money.

Manual is downloaded from our website saving you time and money

The DramaShare ministry has always been blessed with those people from all over the world who have “come alongside” us and generously given of their talents and expertise. DramaShare has then been able to spread this knowledge around the world to those with a desire to serve the Lord through dramatic arts ministry.

One area of almost universal weakness in the church is that of technical knowledge, in sound, lighting, props, sets and all that these subjects entail. Unfortunately church productions do suffer due to a lack of this knowledge. This is why we were so excited when our “non-resident” Mr. Techie, Karl Wagner volunteered to put together a “techie manual for non-techies”. Karl has spent a lifetime in stage, screen and movies, and he knows the wonderfully expensive technical gadgetry there is out there.

But Karl’s heart is in church drama, and he knows full well that all those wonderful things simply will never be available to most churches. And so this manual addresses what you need to know, omitting a lot of superfluous and irrelevant information, and a lot of “shop talk”. If what you are looking for is a non-nonsense source of “must know” information, this just might be your reference book.

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