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DramaShare Ministries

DramaShare Organizational Manual

DramaShare Organizational Manual

Regular price $30.00 USD
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Proper organizational structure and practices in your ministry can create a much more effective and long lasting ministry. It thoroughly covers the steps that are necessary.This manual has been used to build strong roots in thousands of churches worldwide.The manual is downloaded from our website, saving you time and money.

You will find many upgrades and improvements since our earlier editions.Many of the suggestions for new areas of interest have come from those who are usersof our DramaShare Manual Edition 2.0, as well as materials from our large Internet site, , and from our Christian drama eMail list conference,Christian-Drama-Forum, (where over 350 drama leaders meet to discuss mattersrelated to dramatic arts ministry. We appreciate all who have contributed to this new reference work through their comments and input.


We are a family based ministry, presently,(as of January, 2000), working in over 3,800ministries in 49 countries around the world.DramaShare began as a method of gettingpeople into active ministry in our ownchurch, so we can certainly associate withwhat a lot of churches around the world areattempting to do today in initiating Christiandrama. We believe this is why we have hadsome success in assisting in initiatingdramatic arts ministry in hundreds of otherchurches around the world.Many years ago, as youth leaders in ourchurch, we found that many young peoplewho were “musically challenged” felt at aloss to find a ministry niche in the church. Itjust seemed to us that surely Christian dramawould fit that need to a “T”. However, wewere thoroughly non-theatrical inbackground, so we went looking formaterials and methods which would notrequire past experience and expertise, whereanyone and everyone was welcome and

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