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DramaShare Ministries

Do Your Job

Do Your Job

Regular price $13.00 USD
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Cast Number

Youth camp leader is about more than keeping kids happy, its about being a Christian witness.

This comedy with a message shows how camp leaders can make a long lasting impact on kids.

Cast: 3 m or f

  • Jim, in his late teens, is a counselor and strong Christian who enjoys having fun.
  • Paul, should be around 9 or 10 years old for the first part of the drama.
  • Older Paul is another actor in his mid-teens +, in the second part of the drama.

Bible Reference: Matthew 28:16-20

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: phone


  • jeans and t-shirts. If possible, “camp” t-shirts

Special Instructions:

  • When young Paul is on phone with mom he leaves pauses to "hear what she says," tries not to sound too excited about camp

Time: 10

Sample of script:

Scene opens with tight spot on young Paul on phone

Paul, (on phone): But Mom, I really don’t want to stay here! The food is awful, the beds are lumpy, and the people are weird!

Pauses, listening.

Paul: Well, yeah I did get to go swimming. We go every morning.


Paul: Yeah, I went hiking yesterday. Right up a mountain!
(catches himself too excited)
But, uh, I got a blister on my big toe from all the walking.


Paul: I know I have been doing a lot of things I wouldn’t get to do any other time. But Mom, (pause), I know it’s only for five more days.


Paul: Sure I’ve met some nice people. There is this one guy, he’s sorta cool. He’s one of the counsellors. You know, I’ve been watching him and I can’t figure it out, but there is definitely something very different about him. I don’t know what, but just something.

offstage, Jim’s voice can be heard, yelling to Paul

Jim: Hey, Paul! Get over here! We need you to tie up the balloons once they’re filled with shaving cream!

Paul, on phone: Uh, I gotta go now, Mom. It’s, uh, time for, uh, arts and crafts. Bye!

Paul quickly hangs up phone, runs offstage. Spotlight off. Pause then spotlight full light.
Paul and Jim enter stage left, laughing.

Jim: That was the best! Did you see the look on the girls’ faces as they saw those shaving cream bombs coming at them?

Paul: I’ve never seen them run so fast!

Jim: That was definitely worth the effort!

Paul smiling, then looking down as is he were in thought.

Jim: What’s up, Paul? Everything all right?

Paul: Oh, it’s nothing. Never mind.

Jim: You’re not paralyzed by fear because you heard that the cook is serving meat surprise for supper tonight, are you?

Paul: No, I think I can handle that.

Jim: Then what is it, Paul? You know I am definitely here if you want to talk.

Paul: Well, it’s just that, well, I’ve been thinking, that’s all.

Jim: Thinking’s good.

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