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DramaShare Ministries

Dawn of Belief

Dawn of Belief

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Jesus is dead, his lifeless body laying in the tomb. 

Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom Jesus drove those awful demons, and Joanna, follower of Jesus, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, go to that tomb early in the morning, his body must be prepared. But on arriving they see the huge stone has been rolled away from the opening to the tomb. Alarmed that someone who would so foully desecrate the body, the women were even more distraught than before. Then they saw a person dressed in white and they dared to ask the whereabouts of Jesus' body. The news rocked the women, as it has all people in the 2,000+ years since.

Cast: 2 women

  • Mary Magdalene (mar-ee'-ah mag-dal-ay-nay') - could be late teen or older
  • Joanna (Ioanna ee-o-an'-nah) - could be late teen or older

Bible Reference:   Luke 24

Set:    none, the drama happens in church aisles and on sanctuary stage

Lighting:    spots follow actors up the aisle and throughout

Sound:   wireless mics if available

Song:   none

SFX:  none

Costumes:    Bible period clothing

Props:  pails or basins with embalming materials

Special Instructions:   none

Time:  5

Sample of script

As drama begins the two women's excited voices are heard from the foyer outside the sanctuary. Note that when women enter the sanctuary they must reflect the great joy and excitement which their words are telling. They must run, not stroll or walk, up the aisle to the front of the sanctuary. Their voices will be extremely loud

Joanna and Mary's excited voices off stage:: Peter! He asked that you be told! John! His power has overcome death! The cords of death could not hold Him! James! The tomb is empty! Salome (sal-o'-may)! We were there! Mary! Good news! Joses (ee-o-sace')! Just as He told us! Martha! Wondrous news! Lazurus! He who raised you has now risen! Mary! Weep no more!

Two women rush in to sanctuary from rear, (or side), doors and light comes up on them.

Mary: All of you! All of His disciples! He has risen! He who was crucified! He is alive! Alive!

Joanna: We were there! We saw it with our own eyes! The tomb is empty!

Mary: Where is everyone, Joanna (ee-o-an'-nah)? We must let them all know! Jesus, the one who was crucified! He is now alive!

Joanna: Oh Mary Magdalene (mar-ee'-ah mag-dal-ay-nay')! He truly is risen, has He not? I mean, we are sure, aren't we?

Mary: Joanna, we saw it with our own eyes! The tomb was empty! The linen cloths that bound His body were lying neatly on the ledge.

pause, worried

Joanna: But the men, will they believe us, women? Will they not question what we saw, the angel, the empty tomb?

Mary: You saw Cornelius (kor-nay'-lee-os) , the centurion, you even talked with him this morning at the tomb! Did he not tell you what had happened? You, the wife of Chuza (khood-zas'), Herod's own house steward, surely you would believe the testimony of the centurion Cornelius!

Joanna: Poor Cornelius! The Jewish leaders were offering large bribes to all of the soldiers who were guarding the tomb, all the soldiers had to do was offer a false report, to say they had fallen asleep while guarding the tomb, and that friends of our Master stole the body while they slept. Some dilemma! If the Roman soldiers said they had fallen asleep, they were liable to death at the hands of their Roman superiors. If they told the truth, they must say that when the earthquake, or whatever it was, rolled the huge stone from the entrance to the tomb, the tomb was empty, the body of Jesus was gone. Would anyone believe them?

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