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DramaShare Ministries

Daniel In The Lions Den

Daniel In The Lions Den

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Daniel showed tremendous faith when he was sent into the den of lions. God showed tremendous power when he kept Daniel safe.

This drama is written in the form of a flannel graph story for young children. Insert the appropriate flannel characters when noted.

Sample of script:

Narrator: A long time ago, there was a man named Daniel.

Show flannel of Daniel.

Narrator: Daniel loved God and loved to tell others about God and all the wonderful things God does. He wanted to tell everyone he saw how much God loves them, just like He loves each one of you and me!
One day, Daniel was telling a group of people about God.

Add in flannel of a ‘group’ of people.

Narrator: He was telling them all about how wonderful God is and the wonderful things He can do when you ask Him to live in your heart.While Daniel was talking, a group of soldiers came around.

Add in flannel of soldiers.

Narrator: The soldiers began to listen to what Daniel was telling all the people. The soldiers listened for a while, then they left Daniel and the crowd of people.

Remove flannels of Daniel and group of people.

Narrator: The soldiers began to talk about what Daniel was telling everyone. They were very upset. They thought that all the people would like what Daniel had so say so much that they may not listen to the soldiers and what the King had to say anymore.
The soldiers were worried that the people would rather listen to what Daniel had to say about God instead of listening to what the King was telling them to do. Sounds like the soldiers didn’t really like Daniel all that much, huh?

Well, that was it! The soldiers had to get rid of Daniel. They decided to go talk to the King about this troublemaker.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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