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The Lord’s Prayer; Thine is the Kingdom; faithfulness; courage; New Testament times; persecution; assurance; prayer; Bible; women; praise; worship.

Setting: It is a few years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The followers of the way have heard that Saul, the persecutor of Jesus, is on his way there. We are in a small house in Damascus. It is a cold, bleak room, sparsely furnished. Maybe just one bench.
Character: Abigail is a Jewish woman and recent convert to "the Way". She has been a believer a very short time and is now facing a severe test of her faith.

Scene: This monologue is a play in which the imaginary “fourth wall” of theatre is utilized. Never is the actor to look at the audience or acknowledge it. This is a slice of life and nobody is in the room except the character and her God.

Abigail enters, carrying a scroll. She looks around fearfully. She is afraid of being seen or overheard. She is in great turmoil. She tries to pray.

Sample of script:

Abigail: Great and mighty God. (Stops, a little panicked, wails a bit) I don't know how to pray. I don't know what to say. My thoughts are so confused. Dark fears and doubts press me down.

(To the door. Puts hand on it as if to keep him out) Saul is on his way here. (Turns and leans her back against the door) Already he has killed many followers of Jesus. I fear for my life and for my friends. We will be next. The fear has dimmed our hope. (Steps away from door, holda hand out in a plea) Shine your light on us, Jesus, give us rest from this persecution. (Moves back into center stage)

I must talk to you. Somehow I must express my mind and my heart. I know you know these already, but I don't! I have to talk to you for my sake. Please excuse me if I do not pray with eloquence or learning. (Muttering) I am only a woman in a land where women count for little.(With great intensity) I don't know how to pray! But pray I must. I must.

I am so new to this. Praying was something men did, not women. Help me. Enlighten me. (Step down stage) Give me the words.

(Stands in an attitude of prayer then suddenly cocks her head as if hearing something. Take your time with this)

What's that? (Tilt head the other way)

I hear no voice, yet something is speaking to me. (Listens some more) Pray my prayer? (Repeats it) Pray my prayer? Whose prayer? (Paces frenziedly) Who is talking to me in a voice I cannot hear? Why am I so sure it's important? How could I receive such a…(Stops, eyes wide in wonder) It's the Holy Spirit!

Talking to–to–me! Pray my prayer, he says. (Discovery) Why, he must mean the prayer Jesus taught that day on the mountain. Joanna told me about it! I remember it. (She closes her eyes, holds a beat and then begins) I'll pray your prayer, Jesus!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The Lord's Prayer. A woman named Abigail, a follower of "The Way", is very frightened. Saul, the persecuter of Jesus, is on his way. Abilgail knows she has to pray. She remembers the words of Joanna and begins to pray the Lord's Prayer.

Sample of script:

Abigail: Great and mighty God. (Stops, a little panicked, wails a bit) I don't know how to pray. I don't know what to say. My thoughts are so confused. Dark fears and doubts press me down.

(To the door. Puts hand on it as if to keep him out) Saul is on his way here. (Turns and leans her back against the door) Already he has killed many followers of Jesus. I fear for my life and for my friends. We will be next. The fear has dimmed our hope. (Steps away from door, holda hand out in a plea) Shine your light on us, Jesus, give us rest from this persecution. (Moves back into center stage)

I must talk to you. Somehow I must express my mind and my heart. I know you know these already, but I don't! I have to talk to you for my sake. Please excuse me if I do not pray with eloquence or learning. (Muttering) I am only a woman in a land where women count for little.(With great intensity) I don't know how to pray! But pray I must. I must.

I am so new to this. Praying was something men did, not women. Help me. Enlighten me. (Step down stage) Give me the words.

(Stands in an attitude of prayer then suddenly cocks her head as if hearing something. Take your time with this)

What's that? (Tilt head the other way)

I hear no voice, yet something is speaking to me. (Listens some more) Pray my prayer? (Repeats it) Pray my prayer? Whose prayer? (Paces frenziedly) Who is talking to me in a voice I cannot hear? Why am I so sure it's important? How could I receive such a...(Stops, eyes wide in wonder) It's the Holy Spirit!

Talking to--to--me! Pray my prayer, he says. (Discovery) Why, he must mean the prayer Jesus taught that day on the mountain. Joanna told me about it! I remember it. (She closes her eyes, holds a beat and then begins) I'll pray your prayer, Jesus!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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