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DramaShare Ministries

Cure for the Uncommon Fear

Cure for the Uncommon Fear

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Fear. The reasonable, normal fear and the out of control panic type fear.
What causes it, how to control it, how to prepare for it, and how to keep it from ruling your life. Developing a practical strategy for coping with fear. Fear. The reasonable, normal fear and the out of control panic type fear.

Cast: 2 m or f any age

  • Moe, kind of non-cerebral but nice, Don Knotts type
  • Joe, his friend

Bible Reference:

  • Psalm 23:4, Psalm 27:1, 4, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 91:5, Isaiah 41:10, 13
    Isaiah 43:1, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 5:1-20, Romans 8:15, 1 John 4:18

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • dark sunglasses and a rubber ducky

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 12

Sample of script:

Moe onstage, pacing, wringing hands, mumbling, afraid, Joe comes onstage, Moe jumps, afraid

Joe: Hey Moe, and how’s things been . . . .

Moe, frightened: Who’s that, what’s that, don’t you ever sneak up behind me again, . . . .

Joe: Hey, whoa, slow down there, I just walked in here normal like, not sneaking around at all and . . .

Moe: Don’t you realize that you scared me half to death?

Joe: No I didn’t realize that, but it does bring up an interesting point. What if a person was sacred half to death twice, would he be dead?

Moe: That, Joe, is not funny, it is zero funny, it is way not funny, so why don’t you just . . . .

Joe: Moe, what is going on here, I have never seen you so out of control!

Moe: Yes I am out of control, I admit it! I have never, ever been so totally scared. I am just flat out freaking out, that’s what!

Joe: Look Moe, we’d better talk about this! But listen, before we do, would you mind if I just prayed for the situation?

Moe: Like that’s gonna help! I heard you are one of those religious freaks but don’t go pushin’ that stuff around me, I have enough anxiety as it is!

Joe: Not pushing anything on you Moe, but fact is, God does answer prayer, and He can calm our fears. And from what I see you need all the help you can get right now.

Moe: Fine then, do your prayer thing, but stay back from me while you are doing it! And I just know that prayer thing isn’t gonna work anyhow!

Joe, downstage, bows head in prayer, Moe, upstage, paces, glances occasionally at Joe. Joe lifts head, moves back to Moe

Joe: Now, Moe, care to tell me . . .

Moe: See, I told you!

Joe: Told me?

Moe: I told you it wouldn’t work!

Joe: Told me what wouldn’t work Moe?

Moe: The prayer thing. It didn’t work. I am still scared outta my tree!

Joe: Well actually I didn’t pray that your fear be taken away, I prayed that God would give me the right words to say to you, to help and comfort you.

Moe: Well thanks just a whole great big lot, buddy! Here is me, scared like you would not believe and here’s you, with a prayer thing to get rid of this terror, and what do you do? Nothing is what! Thanks a ton for nothing!

Joe: But you said it wouldn’t work anyhow, so why are you concerned that I didn’t pray about it?

Moe: Look, I am so scared that I am scared to not try anything because I am scared what if it does work and I didn’t try it and it could have worked, I am so scared that . .

Joe: Hey, slow down! You are scared of your own shadow!

Moe, jumps, looks around: Shadow, you see my shadow? That scares the liver outta me! Look, do you really think this prayer thing might help my fear?

Joe: I do know it worked for a bunch of guys in a boat.

Moe, scared: Don’t say anything about boats or . . . (makes hand movements to show water)

Joe: You mean . . water?

Moe: I said, do not say anything about . . (hand movements to show water)

Joe: Wow, that sure is some fear of . . . (hand movements to show water), that you have! Makes me wonder how you even bath!

Moe holds up finger as in “wait” and then puts on dark glasses

Joe: Gotcha!

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