DramaShare Ministries
Creation Crew
Creation Crew
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Creation crew of 3 are on the loose.
And they’ve forgotten more than they ever knew about house construction.
A 4-day, 3-actor program for VBS or any Children’s program, written as a puppet script but could be regular drama. Based on creation.
DramaShare wrote this script for Eva Rosema of Five Mile Community Church in Washington. She reports:
"VBS went great thanks again for the special skit. We decided to use live characters instead of puppets, the kids loved it. You do a great job, we plan on using it again one of these days. Thanks, God bless you and your wife and your gang."
Bible Reference: Genesis 1:1, (day 1), Revelations 4: (day 2), Isaiah 43:7, (day 3), Psalms 51:(day 4)
Cast: 4, (m or f)
Cast: 4 m or f
Bible Reference: Gemesis 1:1
Genesis 1:1, (day 1), Revelations 4:11, (day 2), Isaiah 43:7, (day 3),
Psalms 51:10 (day 4)
Puppet stage or blank stage if regular drama
Sound: wireless mics if available
First 2 lines from “Oh What A Beautiful Morning” from film Oklahoma
“Thou Art Worthy” adaptation (use music intro each time song is sung)
NOTE: When raps are sung leaders will snap fingers in a “1 – 2” beat, encourage kids to join in snapping fingers or clapping hands, add movement when appropriate/desired
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Trunk with various larger toys, foam hammer, saw, hands, muscles, pic of pizza
“Thinking hat” is a small kind of (perhaps oversized) helmet or skull cap for Spike, curly wires coming out of it
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 40 in total
Sample of script:
Day 1
Memory verse Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Jordan comes on stage, stretches, enjoying
Jordan: What a beautiful morning, sun shining . . .
Not a cloud in the sky. . .
Makes me feel like I wanna . . I dunno . . wanna do something big! . .
But something real big is maybe too big for one person . . .
Maybe I need to get help. . .
I know! . . . I will get my friends Spike and LaTrice to help.
(goes behind stage, voice heard offstage)
I need your help.
(Spike comes back on stage, shakes head)
Wish I had a much louder voice so Spike and LaTrice would hear me.
Or maybe if I had a whole buncha people to call out really loud.
But where can I get a whole buncha people with real loud voices?
leader comes on stage, stands at the side of puppet stage
Jordan: Hey! . . . . Who are you?
Leader: I am a leader here at (name of church) church. I’m here to help you and the children at our Children’s (name of program) program.
Jordan: So whatever I need I just ask you and you get it for me?
Leader: Yes, that’s right, within reason of course.
Jordan: Hey, so if I need a gazillion dollars?
Leader: Nice try. . . but that’s not within reason. . .
But you did mention needing a bunch of loud voices.
Jordan: I did, I need to wake up my friends, LaTrice and Spike, to get their help.
Leader: Well I can help you find lots of loud voices.
Jordan: You can? . . Wow . . .. Where are at you going to find them?
Leader, points downstage:
Lots and lots of loud voices right out there!
Jordan: Wow, the children! Don’t know how I could have missed seeing them.
Do you think these kids could call real, real, loud?
(leaders help to encourage kids to call out)
All: Spike! LaTrice!
Jordan: This isn’t working . . The kids will have to be much louder! Try again.
All: Spike!
Spike and LaTrice come on stage, shaking heads, looking around
LaTrice: Who? . . What? . .
Spike: Who was doin’ all the catterwallerin’ and wakin’ me up from a dreamy sleep?
Jordan: Was these awesome kids here, calling you guys to come help me.
Spike: I was dreamin’ of chocolate marshmallow ice cream with maple walnut toppin’ and new baked coconut cookies! Yummy!
LaTrice: So, why did you call us, Jordan?
Jordan: Well, I’m thinking, maybe I should do something real real big. . . And I knew you two, my best friends, would want to help me with the real real big something.
Spike: Well if you are out to do a real real big somethin’ I am for sure your boy. . .
But exactly what kind of a real real big somethin’ you plannin’ on?
Jordan: Not sure yet Spike, but this real real big something is gonna be . . real real big!
Spike: Sounds interesting . . . and short on information.
Jordan: Maybe we could build a real real big house.
And I got me a rap song to go along with building my real real big house.
LaTrice: Oh Jordan, I love rap songs, go ahead, sing your rap song, maybe I might join in.
Jordan: Here goes, listen up!
I’m gonna build a house
And I’m gonna build it good
Gonna use a buncha stones
And I’ll use a buncha wood.
And I’ll (mimes hammering) BAM BAM
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
(mimes hammering) BAM BAM
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
That’s the way I’m gonna build my house!
LaTrice: Wait, this isn't working! . . . We need some tools to build this big real real house.
LaTrice: OK but thing is . . . where are you gonna get a (mimes hammering) BAM BAM and a (mimes sawing) SAW SAW around here?
Leader: Hey wait, maybe I can help.
Spike: Who’s he?
Jordan: A leader here at (name of church) church. . . Says he can get us anything we need. . . Well anything except money.
Leader: I know I have something that will work for a (mimes hammering) BAM BAM and a (mimes sawing) SAW SAW.
leader digs into trunk, throws out various toys and things, pulls out a banana, offers to Jordan
Leader: Here, this should work!
Jordan: Uhhhh, excuse me? . . . Seems like a perfectly good banana and all but . . . I don’t exactly think a banana will work for a (mimes hammering) BAM BAM or for a (mimes sawing) SAW SAW.
Leader: Give me a second, I am sure I saw something here that will work for a (mimes hammering) BAM BAM and a (mimes sawing) SAW SAW.
leader digs in deep, throws out various toys, finds a huge foam hammer and saw
Leader: Here these should be perfect!
LaTrice: Right on, this is gonna be some kinda awesome!
Spike: Well, I have to say, I like your rap and I like how you are thinkin’ Jordan . .
Jordan: Thanks Spike, so will you and LaTrice sing along on my rap?
And our leader friend can help us with the (mimes hammering) BAM BAM and the (mimes sawing) SAW SAW.
Spike: I’m game for that, you LaTrice?
LaTrice: You guys are looking at a gal once voted most likely to rap. . . Hit it!
Jordan: I will sing a line and you repeat it, OK?
Jordan, sings, Spike & LaTrice sing echo, leader does actions:
I’m gonna build a house
And I’m gonna build it good
Gonna use a buncha stones
And I’ll use a buncha wood.
And I’ll (mimes hammering)
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
(mimes hammering) BAM BAM
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
That’s the way I’m gonna build my house!
Spike & LaTrice, excited:
“Amazing” . .. “awesome” . . . “that was way cool” . . etc.
Jordan: Ya, it’s good, but . . something missing, seems like. Needs more people, more voices, like a kids real real rap choir kinda.
LaTrice: Where are you gonna get a kids real real rap choir here Jordan?
Leader: Wait a minute. We have all these kids right here.
LaTrice: But, do you ‘spose these kids here would want to be in our kids real real rap choir?
Leader: Well I guess we could just ask them.
LaTrice: You mean you would just burst right out and say . . (loud voice) . . . do you kids want to be in Jordan’s kids real real rap choir?
Spike: Kinda off the charts idea but could be effective I s’pose.
All, loud: Do you kids want to be in Jordan’s kids real real rap choir?
leaders encourage kids to agree
Spike: Wow, seems you got yourself a kids real real rap choir Jordan. . .
leaders encourage kids to sing, Jordan sings first line, others & kids echo, Leader does actions
Jordan: I’m gonna build a house
And I’m gonna build it good
Gonna use a buncha stones
And I’ll use a buncha wood.
And I’ll (mimes hammering)
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
(mimes hammering) BAM BAM
(mimes sawing) SAW SAW
That’s the way I’m gonna build my house!
Spike: Anyone notice how all this sounds like our Bible verse today?
Jordan: Our verse is:
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
begin soft song intro
LaTrice: Sounds perfect to me!
And we have this awesome song:
Song: God our Maker,
God our Maker,
God our Maker and Friend,
Receive our blessing,
Praise and devotion,
Praise and devotion and love
For you have created, have all things created
You have created all things,
And for your favor they are created
Maker, Creator of all
end of Day1