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DramaShare Ministries

Counting The Cost Of Christmas

Counting The Cost Of Christmas

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A very easily staged Christmas children’s program that speaks of the cost of Christmas. 
How great the cost was to Mary and Joseph on the first Christmas, and also how significant was the presence of the sheep at the manger.

Choral readings are a large part of this drama.

The script, as written, has parts for 6 different age groups, but these could be changed very easily.

As a “thread” to tie individual class presentations together, there is a brief drama between segments.

Thread actors: 3 (male or female – likely pre-teen)
numbers for other groups as required
Run-Time:  40 minutes
Set: blank
  Lighting: as available
Sound: Remote mics, if available, are best for the actors
For the youngest group standing mics or mics held by teacher
For the older group have one standing mic at stage left for one speaker, (could be two speakers), another at stage right for one speaker, (could be two speakers), and adequate mic(s) at center stage for the rest of the class (who speak in unison)

Songs: Standard carols are used for each major grouping. The final song is “Can A Little Child Like Me?” with an additional verse added, written by DramaShare.

Costumes: standard

Props: coins, lamb ears

Special instructions:
For individual classes, we show that after completing their parts that the class will move down to the stage steps and sit while the next class performs. Example, assuming that there are three steps up to the stage the youngest group will sit on the lowest step, the intermediate class on next step up and the oldest class, (after their reading), will move downstage to the edge of the stage. At that point, the classes on the step will stand and that group will sing a song.

We recommend that all of the lines spoken by classes are displayed on PowerPoint as the lines are spoken; this so no lines are lost on the audience.

Sample of script:


Jeff walks on stage counting change

Jeff: Let’s see I got a loonie and a toonie . . . (digs in his pocket) . . and let’s see, three quarters and . .

Billy and Laura come on stage

Billy: Hey Jeff, what’s up?

Jeff doesn’t respond

Laura: Earth to Jeff, anyone home?

Jeff: Whaaaa . . Oh hi Laura, Billy . . I was just counting my money.

Billy, shakes Jeff: You were counting what?

Jeff: My . . money?

Laura: Young man, do you understand what season it is?

Jeff, confused: Uhhh, . . Christmas, maybe?

Laura: Exactly! . . And you need to understand . . . there is a BIG cost to Christmas . . . And NO ONE is supposed to have any money at Christmas!

Billy: Yeh Jeff, what are you thinking? . . If you go around having money at Christmas you are gonna go and give Christmas a good name.

Jeff: So Christmas doesn’t have a good name?

Laura: Of course not. It’s when folks blow all their money on gifts that are wrecked before the wrapping paper hits the floor.

Billy: Theme song of Christmas . . . (sings off key to tune of “Deck The Halls”) . .
This the season for no money . .

Laura, sings: Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Jeff: Wow, I guess there is a big cost to Christmas huh?

actors off stage

2 & 3 year olds, 4-year-old and Kindergarten classes come on stage, stand in rows, youngest class to the front, oldest to the back

2 & 3-year-olds class and the 4-year-old class come forward toward the mic

more adventuresome walk by standing mic and shout “Welcome” then go to centerstage

In unison: Welcome to our program
We’re really glad you’re here
Christmas is a really special
Time of the year.

again more adventuresome shout into mic “Welcome”

this group move forward to the stage steps and sit

Kindergarten group wearing lamb ears move forward toward mic, urge children to hold hands out in front like lambs and say baaaaaa as they walk to mics

In unison: We are the lambs
Soft, cute and warm
There at the manger
Kept Jesus from harm.

Kindergarten move to edge of stage, and 2, 3 and 4 classes will standall sing “Away in a Manger”

Kindergarten and ages 2, 3 & 4 go to their seats in the congregation, or (optionally) to their class rooms


Billy: Those kids are sure cute.

Jeff: I can remember back when I was a kid, Christmas concerts. . . Cute!

Laura: Jeffrey Jones, you have never in your life been cute.

Jeff, turns his head to show his profile: Check out my left side.

Billy: Nice to see all the kids all dressed up.

Laura: I had a green Christmas dress just like that little girl wore. . . Cost my mom a ton of money.

Jeff: And you likely wore it like once.

Billy: Just like I said, Christmas costs big bucks.

Jeff: I guess.

Laura, sweetly: What really nice present are you gonna get me Jeffrey?

Jeff, digs out change: Got change for a quarter?

Laura, angry, rushing off stage: Men!

Jeff and Billy look at each other, shrug shoulders, go off stage

Grade 1 class, Grade 2 & 3 class come on stage, stand in rows, youngest class to the front, oldest to the back

Have one standing mic at stage left for one speaker, (could be two speakers), another at stage right for one speaker, (could be two speakers), and adequate mic(s) at center stage for the rest of the class (who speak in unison)


Group: Jesus was born in a stable.

Speaker1: You mean a barn?

Group: Yes Jesus was born in a stable.

Speaker2: They didn’t have a hospital?


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