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DramaShare Ministries

Commanded to Love

Commanded to Love

Regular price $15.00 USD
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The Bible teaches us that we must follow the commandments.

But it also teaches that the commandments can be summed up in the rule:, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. A company of army recruits learns this principle, but Soldier Bartenflem is a real challenge as a pupil. A comedy-drama skit with a strong Christian drama message.

Cast:  4 w any age

Bible Reference: Romans 13:8-10

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:   none

SFX:  none

Costumes:      all except one of the women are wearing army type dress, the other is wearing sweats

Props:      none

Special Instructions:   none


Sample of script:

Thompson & Rogers are standing, chatting

Thompson: So my sister says, “Why’d you go and sign up in the army anyhow?”

Rogers: Civilians! How do you figure civilians at the best of times Thompson?

Thompson: Exactly Rogers, I mean, to me serving in the army is like the only . . .

Lieutenant comes on stage, Thompson and Rogers snap to attention, salute

Lieutenant: Attention! . . . . As you were.

Thompson and Rogers remain at attention, motionless

Lieutenant: Now then, look at you, Thompson, you are sloppy, just look at those shoes . . .

Thompson: Beg your pardon Lieutenant, but I spit polished just this morning and . . .

Lieutenant, menacing: Oh you did, did you soldier . . . well, tell me, can I see my face in your shiny shoes . . ?

Thompson: Well, Lieutenant, I can’t exactly see my shoes, standing at attention and all, eyes focused straight ahead like you taught us . . . . .

Lieutenant: The acceptable answer, soldier, is. . . “No Lieutenant, your face can not be seen in my . . .

Rogers noisily drops her backpack, Lieutenant confronts Rogers

Lieutenant: And you, Recruit Rogers . . . have you not yet mastered the basic command: “Attention”?

Bartenflem comes on stage whistling/singing off key

Lieutenant: Soldier Bartenflem, attention!

Bartenflem slaps Lieutenant on the back in greeting

Bartenflem: Hey Sarge, how's it goin’?

Lieutenant, enraged: I will have you know that I am Lieutenant and . . .

Bartenflem: Don’t you apologize, you keep workin’ hard, my guess is y’all will make Sarge in no time!

Lieutenant: Soldier, I will not tolerate disobedience, now what are you doing in those. . . . civilian clothes . . . yucky things . . . when we are in training?

Bartenflem: No sweat Sarge . . .

Lieutenant: Lieutenant. . . !

Bartenflem: Whatever. . . . I just figured, I got these great sweats my momma bought me when I signed up and left Pumpkin Pastures, West Virginia. I figured why go and get those new army duds all messy. Besides, another couple of hours it's quitin’ time anyhow, why not just save the wear and tear of changin’ back again.

Lieutenant: You will do exactly what I say, exactly when I say it and every command will be followed to the letter, do you read me Bartenflem?

Bartenflem, gives time-out signal: Hey time out Sarge, chill! Take it easy! Y’all are gonna blow a gasket, y’all keep that up.

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