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DramaShare Ministries

Come See My Child

Come See My Child

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Mary on becoming mother of the Messiah.

Have you come to see the baby, or to worship the King?

That is the theme of this Christmas monologue written from Mary's perspective. A question of relevance for the visitors at a manger +2,000 years ago, but even moreso, a question each and every one of us living in these days of enlightenment need to ask, contemplate, answer, and obey. The dramas of today set with the bright lights and trees is a wonderful experience, but to move society it has to be more, much more than that.

Cast: 1 (monolog, female teen)
Bible Reference:  Luke 2
Set: Bare
Sound: wireless mic
Song: none
Lighting: as available
SFX: none
Costumes: likely traditional
Special Instructions:
Time: 3

Sample of script:

Oh, more visitors. I thought everyone had left.

I hope they feel welcome. I’m sorry, it’s only a stable, but it’s the best we could find.
I expect they, too, are here because of my baby.

We’ve had many visitors tonight, you must have just missed the wise men, they were the last group to leave.

Resplendent regal beings they were! Such exquisite attire! Men so obviously acquainted with opulence, with luxuriance!

As they walked about, their richly brocaded robes brushed the straw and the dirt of the stable floor. It was affluence converging with the lowly, nobility meeting the common, the genteel in audience with the humble.

Earlier, it had been the more august in rank who had come. The shepherds, still awestruck and breathless from news delivered to their hillside sanctuary by the angels of the very Jehovah God. Shepherds, the lowest echelon of society, mistrusted, uncouth, without social standing. When the shepherds came I thought, “why would God choose to announce the coming of my son to lowly shepherds?” Surely the wise men would have been more prepared, more able to assimilate and report on these happenings, yes, and, too, the wise men were of a better class to be present with my son tonight.
Something I noticed tonight, some came to see my baby, while others came to worship the Messiah. Both seemed to get what they came for.

Those who came to see my child, saw a, . . child. Those who came to witness a newborn babe were certainly not disappointed. In my mind, all who did come saw a magnificent baby; forgive me, but a mother has some rights to pride in her first born! But to another mother, my child likely looks pretty ordinary, just another tiny olive-hued Jewish baby child, sleeping peacefully, there in the rough, inhospitable manger.

And, what of those who came to worship the Messiah? This, my child, my baby boy, yet, somehow, one who would never really belong to me. Yes, they too found that for which they were searching. They found God’s answer to their prayers, their yearnings. They found He who would bring miracles, miracles of the body which would bring physical healing to many, miracles of the soul which would bring a freedom beyond the wildest imaginations of all.

And, I wonder, what about you, this new group who have come? I wonder if you came here tonight to see the Christ child? Did you come to witness the celebration of a sweet baby boy born in a manger? If you did, that is well. My child changed the shape and form of history. He impacts every generation, and He always will. So it is historically and emotionally right that you have come to see my child tonight.

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