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DramaShare Ministries

Colouring In Christmas

Colouring In Christmas

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Cast Number

Christmas in our life is "colored."

This is brought about by what our relationship is with the He who is the reason for the season. Two co-workers and their families contrast how this plays out. Easily staged drama with a great message.

Cast:    9

  • Green family:
    • Dad: Kirk (works for Slate Gray)
    • Mom: Rose
    • Daughter, 18: Iris (in love with Buffy Gray)
    • Son, 11: Sonny (happy boy, looks up to Buffy)
  • Gray family:
    • Dad: Slate (Kirk Green’s boss)
    • Mom: Blanche
    • Daughter, 21:
    • Lamondine Son, 18:
    • Buford III (Buffy)

Bible Reference:    Luke 2

Set:    Stage is laid out with two acting locations, indicating the Green home and the Gray home. This may be controlled strictly by lighting or there may be a partial wall which separates the two locations.

Lighting:       individual spots for each “house” and one for Lamondine

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     various Christmas carols played in the background

SFX: none

Costumes:      standard

Props:     Bible (gift wrapped), fake money

Special Instructions:  the movements, vocal inflections, attitudes of the two families show where each family is coming from: Greens are bubbly, excited, loving while Grays are lethargic, argumentative, unhappy Buffy is kind of half way in between, this to show the effects of his relationship with Iris.

Time:     45 (can vary depending on music choice)

Sample of script:

Opening Scene:

Kirk and Slate, coming from back of sanctuary, are leaving the office, mime getting on the bus, coming home after work, walk to front of sanctuary, staying at floor level at stage left position

Slate, beat: Gotta tell you, glad that day’s done!

Kirk, happy: Wasn’t that some day, Slate? That phone just never stopped ringing! You’ll have to open up a new bank account, boss, to hold all the money Henderson Manufacturing is making!

Slate: Sure, money coming in, but I’ll be lucky if I make ten cents profit is what! . . . . When is that bus gonna get here?

Kirk, looks at watch: Should be along in just a sec . . . oh, there it comes now.

Kirk and Slate mime getting on bus, standing up, holding on to strap, sway in unison to the movements of the bus

Slate: I will never figure out how you put up with riding the bus, Kirk. Only reason I am here is my car is in the shop. You know, you’d think that with five cars for a family of four there would always be an extra one for an emergency like this .. . but oh no, Lamondine loaned out my station wagon to her latest project.

Kirk: What’s your daughter doing now?

Slate: Doing? Lamondine? Lamondine is doing what Lamondine has always done. Sitting around complaining how she can’t get a job “that fits her” and how she can’t possibly live on the allowance I give her. Gotta tell you, by the time I was eighteen I had a full time job. Here she is, twenty-one, and never worked a day in her life. I don’t get it Kirk, how come you have two great kids like those of yours?

Kirk: God certainly has blessed us!

Slate: Umm, yeh, God . . anyhow, whatever you’ve done, you sure have been lucky. Your Sonny, now that’s a great boy! Did I tell you, he rode his bike clean across town to bring back the cell phone that my son left over at your house.

Kirk: Sonny likes Buffy a lot, I mean, that is, Buford, Buford.

Slate: It’s OK, personally I like Buffy for a name much better, but you know how women are. My wife, she is determined his everyday name’s gonna be Buford the third, just like his birth certificate says. Tell me, what kind of name is Buford the third for a man?

Kirk: He’s a good kid, your son.

Slate: Hate to admit it but he has really started to come around since he started going out with your daughter Iris. He’s talking about coming into Henderson Manufacturing after college. You gotta know that makes an old dad happy! Like I said, he sure has got his head on straight since he started seeing your daughter.

Kirk: Iris and Buffy are great friends.

Slate: Hey Dad, wake up and smell the coffee, my son and your daughter are more than just friends. Last six months that they have been dating, all I hear from my son is “Iris said this” and “Iris did that”! Man, your daughter even has my son going to Bible study for Pete’s sake. Now I hear my son has fallen in love with the Bible thumper that leads the Bible study.

Kirk, smiles: That Bible thumper would be me.

Slate: Ooops, sorry! But it’s good, Buffy’s come along real good.

Kirk: My stop coming up. God’s blessings on your Christmas, Slate.

Slate: Christmas. Don’t remind me, I have to go out tonight and exchange the gift I got for Blanche.

Kirk: Did you suddenly remember you got the wrong size?

Slate: They don’t have wrong sizes in gift certificates. Blanche hit the ceiling when I told her I got the gift certificate at Dregers Department Store; she demanded I return it and get one at Chez Eline. She said only losers shop at Dregers. Where did you get your wife’s gift?

Kirk: Dregers.

both laugh

Kirk: OK, see you Slate. Sure you and Blanche and Lamondine won’t come to church with us this weekend? Rose is directing the junior choir, should be awesome. Buffy and Iris are helping her out.

Slade: You know, if it were just me, I might just come. You know me, I’m not into this churchy stuff, but might be nice, being Christmas and all. But Blanche would have to see a “Who’s Who” listing of people in your church to come.

Kirk: Remind your wife that Mayor Atkinson and Judge O’Leary both attend Lake Street Community Church.

Slade, laughs: Never know, that might convince her. But that still leaves Lamondine. And it would take a major miracle to get her to even consider entering a church, it’s just not cool.

Kirk: Well, God is in the miracle business you know. Night Slade, hope to see you at church, 7:30.

Slade: Yeh, thanks but like I say . . . whatever. Night Kirk.

Kirk mimes getting off bus, moves toward “Green house” side of stage (stage left).
Slade watches Kirk walk away, without being obvious Slade moves toward the stage right side of stage miming that the bus is moving in that direction.
Slade is deep in thought, sighing, suddenly realizes it is his bus stop, pulls cord, gets off bus, walks to “Gray house” at stage left side of stage

Carol Segment

Green Family Intro:
In Green house” location at stage left
Kirk, Rose, Sonny and Iris are standing around, Rose is not yet on stage.
Kirk is wearing his glasses

Kirk: Rose! Rose! Iris, do you know where your mom went?

Iris: If I remember when she left like three minutes ago she said she was going to get your winter coat from the basement.

Kirk: She said that? Funny I didn’t hear her.

Sonny, pats Kirk on back, smiles: Well you know how it is now that you have turned the big Four Oh Pop.

Iris, laughing: Can I warm up your cane Dad?

Kirk: I will have you guys know that I am quite OK with being forty!

Rose comes on stage

Kirk: There you are dear. Rose, I seem to have misplaced my glasses, any chance you saw them when you were cleaning up?

Rose, walks to Kirk, pats him on the head: I didn’t see them when cleaning dear, but until I do find them, (baby talk) why not just use the ones on your cute little nose.

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