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DramaShare Ministries

Church Event Announcement

Church Event Announcement

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Cast Number

Great for a church that is having a Fall Festiva. Can be regular or puppet script.

We can provide an announcement script for your church, school or ministry.  Contact us.

Cast: 3 puppets or regular people

  • Slam
  • Mo
  • Joe

Bible Reference:

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • paper with announcement of Fall Festival

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Sample of script:

Slam comes on stage, doing exercises, puffing and moaning

Slam: Man this exercising is the hardest part!

exercises a few more seconds

Slam:        There, that should do it, I am ready.

Slam stands up straight then suddenly falls over, moans, struggles, repeat fall a couple of times

Moe and Jo come on stage, watch as Slam continues

Moe, to Jo:   I am guessin’ it would be out of place to ask what he is doin’?

Jo:          Think you hit a home run on that one Moe.

Moe:        I s’pose that could maybe get painful after a bit, couldn't it Jo?

Jo:          Should we maybe check, see what he is up to Moe?

Moe:        Hate to disturb him Jo, seems like he’s gettin’ lots of enjoyment outta knockin’ hisself out.

Slam more vigorously falls to the floor

Moe:        Ouch! . . . That for sure could bring major pain!

Jo, to Slam:   Excuse me. . . .  Excuse me. . . . Sir?

Slam falls to the floor even more vigorously

Jo:          Calls for major intervention!

Moe:         When I was in the army my superior was Major Attraction.

Jo:          Try to stay focused Moe. . . .
(to Slam)
Sir . . sir . .  I really do think you oughta think about cease and desist.

Jo:          Is there some particular reason for  . .  doin’ whatever you are doin’?

Slam:        Well I should think that would be plain for all to see, obvious.

Jo:          Likely should be plain to see, obvious why for you are smackin’ your head on the hard floor . . . but sometimes the obvious is like cloudy.

Slam:        Well if you must know I am in basic training.

Moe:         If that is basic I’m not sure I want to see advanced.

Jo:          Training for what exactly?

Slam:        Fall Festival.

Jo:          And Fall Festival is what exactly?

Slam:        Not sure, I saw the sign at the (name of) Church, thought I would join in.

Jo:          And you figure the Fall Festival is all about . . .

Slam:        Well, I should think it should be obvious . . . falling . .  duh!

Moe:         Ever think it might mean a festival to celebrate fall?

Slam, laughs:  Hey that’s rich! . . . Celebrating fall huh? . . (pause, look at Moe) . . . Oh you are like serious? . . .  Uhhh . . .  No, likely not that. . .  A festival to find the best guy at falling is the thing. . .  and that would be me. . . . (falls hard)

Moe:         I don’t think I caught your name.

Slam:        Name’s Slam. . .  Slam Dunks.

Jo:          I’m gonna guess you’d be into basketball.

Slam:        Nope, me, I’m a pro baseball player actually.

Moe:         Of course you are.

Jo:          As luck would have it I see organizers have posted a note here. And it proves beyond all shadow of doubt that Fall Festival has nothing to do with falling.

Moe:         Says here they are gonna have vendor booths.

Slam:        As I recall she’s a sister to Marianne Booths.

Jo:          Gonna be all kinds of music and food.

Moe:         Something called Trunk and Treat.

Slam:        Do you know what goes  . . . 99 clunk?

Moe:         Not even an idea.

Slam:        Centipede with a cast on a broken foot.

Jo:          Where’s this Fall Festival goin’ on?

Moe:         (your location).

Slam:        Hour and a minute north of (major center) I see on Wikipedia.

Moe:         Says it’s at (name of) Church.

Jo:          Quaint white church.

Slam:        Quaint white . . .  that’s off white with a hint of peach as I recall.

Moe:         Pastor (name). . . . Pastor(name).

Slam:        (names of 1 or more church members) taught me all I know about falling. (falls hard)

Jo:          When’s this event comin’ down?

Moe:         Say’s here it’s (time and date).

Jo:          Folks will be comin’ from all over the county.

Slam:        Far away as (another town in the area). . . .  They all come back home, ya know what I mean?
Back to (something significant that has happened locally).

Jo:          All I can say is . . . best be here for Fall Festival.

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