DramaShare Ministries
Christ's Mass Eve
Christ's Mass Eve
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Christmas Eve program is happening in the church.
In spite of early concerns the youth find out a lot about advent and the birth of Jesus.
Uses advent wreath and nativity scene.
Cast: 10+ (m or f, youth age)
- Alex, (the most lines)
- Brett
- Elliott
- Hudson
- Kennedy
- Mackenzie
- Regan
- Specncer
- Taylor
- Winter
Bible Reference: Matthew 1-2
Set: Bare
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: spot on nativity scene
SFX: none
Props: food, notepad, advent wreath and candles
Costumes: traditional costumes for Mary, Joseph angels, kings, shepherds
Special Instructions:
- Actors will leave the group, putting on costumes and form nativity scene as shepherds, kings, angels, and they as well as Mary & Joseph when indicated in script, will continue to say lines as part of nativity
Time: 17
Sample of script:
all actors except Alex come on stage
Brett: So what’s happening, I got an email telling me I was supposed to be here at church for some Christmas thing. . . I have a busy schedule and don’t want to be wasting time.
Elliott: Don’t feel too special Brett, we all got the same email.
Hudson: Nothing specific in the email Elliott, but my guess is Pastor plans to get all of us a big Christmas present. (pulls a notepad out of pocket) . . In anticipation I have written down a few suggestions, (reads from pad) . . Madden 16 video game, wireless headphone hat, 1 acre of land on the moon . . .
Kennedy: It might happen, Hudson, but my guess is more along the line of 2 years of all-expense paid professional reality check.
Mackenzie: Well, Kennedy, not sure Hudson will get an all-clear signal after just 2 years of counselling but it’s worth a try.
Regan: Personally I would go for candy and nuts, I missed dinner.
Spencer: So who is gonna break the news to us of the reason we really were called here.
Taylor: I plan to give it 5 minutes and I will leave.
Winter: Don’t leave without me Taylor.
Alex enters stage
Alex: Don’t anybody move a muscle! . . . I’ve been with Pastor and he has this fantastic opportunity for us guys.
Hudson: Why do I get the feeling we should all make a break for the door?
Kennedy: Last time I heard about the pastor’s great opportunity I ended up in the nursery with partly digested baby food on my shoe.
Alex: This is nothing like nursery duty . . This is solid gold number one opportunity.
Brett: OK Alex, let’s hear it before we start a stampede for the doors.
Alex: This will take a couple of minutes so why don’t we start with some food?
Winter: That proves it’s a con, but I believe in looking a gift horse in the food basket.
Regan: I see what you are saying Winter, but remember I missed dinner. Everybody grab a chair, grab some food. . . . Alex, you can give the lowdown on this opportunity while we eat.
all get food
Alex: Great Regan, now here’s the good news. . . . Pastor wants a Christmas Eve program.
Elliot: Late breaking news for you Alex. Pastor has a Christmas Eve program every year.
Alex: Yeh but . . the exciting part is Pastor wants us to do the Christmas Eve program.
Brett: I hate to eat and run but . . . here I go . .. eating and running.
Alex: Guys, Pastor told me all about what he has in mind; it is really, really exciting.
Hudson: OK Alex. . . . While I finish my sandwich you feed me more of this really, really exciting news.
Alex: We write a short script about Christmas . . .
Kennedy: Hey that's not so bad, I kinda like writing skits.
Alex: See, didn’t I tell you, exciting? And after we write the script . . then we act it out.
Mackenzie: Surely you didn’t expect us guys to go along with this idea did you Alex?
Regan: Just hold up minute guys, I mean how bad can this be?
Alex: Exactly, I mean . .
Spencer: I say lets do it. . . Might be fun if we all get at it.
Tyler: OK, so what is this gonna be all about anyhow?
Winter: Uhhhh . . . (spoken slowly as to a child) . . . Christmas.
Brett: OK so what does Christmas mean?
Elliott: Think of the word . . . Christ . . mas.
Hudsin: In my house it’s Chris . . . muss! . . . Tons of food and wrapping paper all over the house.
Kennedy: Everyone knows what Christmas means. . . Christmas is when Jesus was born.
Alex: Christmas means . . Christ’s mass, an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. The final step in an annual adventure which the church calls Advent.
Mackenzie: What’s Advent?
Regan: It’s a something that church people do; happens sometime between Christmas and Halloween, mostly.
Spencer: Why is it that at Advent church people don’t give gifts like at Christmas, or go trick or treating like at Halloween?
Taylor: No, it’s not that kind of thing. It’s . . . well . . .
Winter: Thing is, church folks they light a bunch of candles and stuff.
Brett: Why do they do that?
Elliott: ‘Cause they . . . just . . do. .
Alex: We light candles of the advent wreath on the Sundays during Advent. The wreath is a circle, reminding us God is endless and eternal, without beginning or end.
The green color reminds us of our hope through God; hope for renewal, salvation and eternal life.
Candles remind us God came into the world through His Son, Jesus Christ, as a man, suffered and died for our sins, so we could have a home in heaven.
Hudson: Yeah, basically, that’s what I was gonna say.
actors lift eyebrows
Kennedy: How come only one wreath but five candles?
Mackenzie: Well, I am not sure, likely it’s . .
Regan: Matter of space, see there’s just not room for four wreaths so they . . .
Alex: The four outer candles symbolize the time of waiting and anticipation which we celebrate in the four Sundays of Advent. The center candle represents Jesus Christ; he was, and is, central to our faithful hope. And so it is that the first candle, which we light first, is a symbol of the hope we have in salvation, and the hope of Jesus’ return.