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DramaShare Ministries

Christian Chatter

Christian Chatter

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Christians talking with Christians.

A humorous look at the things we Christians sometimes say, talking Christianize.
A script that pokes friendly fun at us Christians.

Cast: 4 m or f

  • Pat
  • McKenzie
  • Larry
  • Tracy

Bible Reference: Psalm 126:2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: Bible

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of script:

Pat comes onstage reading Bible, after a few seconds Mackenzie comes onstage, sees Pat

Mackenzie:    Hey Pat, is that you? . .  In the Word I see. . . . Bless your heart!

Pat:          Sister Doris isn’t it? . .

Mackenzie:    Mackenzie actually.

Pat: Oh, sorry, Sister Mackenzie . . .

Mackenzie:    Brother Mackenzie actually . . . I am . . . male.

Pat:          Oh sorry Brother Mackenzie. I was so deep into the Word working on my testimony.

Mackenzie:    Awesome Pat, good to hear the incredible things the Lord is doing in His people. . . . But didn’t you just give your testimony at Wednesday night Bible study?

Tracy & Larry come onstage

Pat:          I did for a fact . . . but God is moving . . .!

Tracy:        You say God is moving? . .  Where is he moving to?

Larry:        Strange! . . . I commune with God in prayer three . .  four times a day. . . He never said a word to me about moving.

Tracy:        Leaving the heavenlies to live . . . where exactly?

Pat:          No, the Lord is not moving, he still dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church, and in my heart. . . .  But as I was saying to Sister Mackenzie. .

Mackenzie:    That’s Brother . .  Brother Mackenzie . .

Pat:          So sorry Brother Mackenzie, its just I am so into the Word, busy writing my testimony and all . .

Larry:        Nice you are writing your testimony yet again Pat . .  You know me, I am the last to create division in the body but . . . I’m just not sure you oughta say the Lord dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church. Might confuse a new believer, one who hasn’t maybe been bathed in the Holy Spirit, as have I and all my family ,. . . do I hear a “Praise God”?

all less than enthusiastic “Praise God!”

Tracy:        Yes Brother Larry, I agree we must use great and prayerful caution leaving wrong impressions that might be misinterpreted by those less into the Word. Just last week at our John 3:small group we were saying we have to guard against errant words coming from our mouths. .

Mackenzie:    Truly your words are golden Tracy; we must be vigilant we don’t cause a less anointed one to stumble.

Tracy:        Just a small praise item. Our John 3:group is attracting believers from all over this city, including that hurting couple, the Andersons from your church, Pat.

Pat:          Praise item indeed Tracy, we at Purelife have been constantly in prayer for the Andersons, we have heard reports of backsliding since they left our church.

Mackenzie:    We had a John 3 small group last season but we found we weren’t seeing much fruit so we now have a “In The World But Not Of The World” group.

Larry:        You likely heard of our “Fishing For Sinners” outreach men’s fellowship.

Pat:          We are excited about our amazing new small group, “Revelling in Revelations.”

Tracy:        Well in all we do we are just trying to be relevant.

Mackenzie:    And we are trying to have someone in our midst to hold us accountable.

Pat:          Our prayer is that we would be a light in the darkness.

Mackenzie:    Larry I saw your church outreach at work among the homeless last week, surprised you weren’t there.

Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay
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