DramaShare Ministries
Christ Must
Christ Must
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The wonderful and amazing birth of Jesus, the Messiah.
But wonderful and amazing as this was . . . the story is incomplete.
The complete story has to include God’s plan for our salvation . . and this was accomplished on the cross of Calvary. Now, is the story is complete. . . .?
No, actually, there is one chapter yet to be written . . .
As stated in Acts 1:“This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back.”
Therefore the story of Christ coming to earth for us, will not be complete until he returns again.
Cast: 1 monolog) m or f
Bible Reference: Acts 1:1-11
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
- Delivered in contemplative, retrospective, thought provoking manner
Time: 6
Sample of script:
actor comes on stage, contemplative
The story of the birth of Jesus Christ . . .
And the story begins:
Caesar Augustus, emperor of all the massive Roman Empire, including Palestine, . . . in his greed called for a census to be taken. In order that not one person be missed in the census, every person was required to go to his ancestral hometown. In truth it was really unimportant that every person be included in the census; of much greater importance to Caesar and the Romans was that every Jew be assessed the cruel Roman taxation.
And so it was that Joseph, from the Galilean town of Nazareth, a descendant of King David, was required to go in person to Bethlehem, David’s town, to be included in the head count.
Since all were forced to be present, Mary, Joseph’s fiancé, although almost nine months pregnant, was required to be there as well. The long and torturous journey left Mary exhausted and weak. But with people from all over the area in town for the census, there was no lodging available for Joseph and his pregnant fiancé; the best available was a stall in a stable.
And so it was while in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to give birth. And, in quarters shared by animals, her firstborn, a son, was born. And she wrapped him in a blanket, laid him in the hay filled manger.
As unpretentious and demeaning as this birthplace would be for any child and parents, . . this was no ordinary child.
And although Mary was indeed the child’s mother, the baby, in truth, was . . the son of God.
Mary, a young virgin, a mere child herself, received a visit from an angel of God, announcing the child would be born to her. Joseph, who at first doubted Mary’s claim, received an angelic visit as well. . . And he indeed believed.
Imagine then . . . the son of God. . . . Born in a barn.
And there were, in the valley below Bethlehem, shepherds keeping guard over the temple sheep. The quiet of the night was suddenly pierced by bright light and heavenly music as a multitude of angels announced the birth of the baby of the stable.
(in a loud and forceful voice)
“Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
“Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.”
(shock and amazement)
Imagine the poor shepherds, in shock and terrified!
But the angel Gabriel calmed their fears:
(loud but gentle voice)
“Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. “This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.”
(pause, wonderment)
Shepherds. . . considered the lowest of all social classes . . . being the first to hear the good news of the long awaited Messiah?
(pause, looks about)
As the angelic messengers withdrew and returned into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over.
“Let’s go to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.”
Those shepherds . . no longer afraid, . . . left, . . . running, and found Mary and Joseph, (more slowly and in awe), . . and the baby . . . lying in the manger.