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DramaShare Ministries

Choir Creatures

Choir Creatures

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Cast Number

Church music ministry involvement . . . well, at least those who can sing should be.

A comedy promoting the choir in your church.

Cast:    2 (m or f)

  • Sue, a member of the choir
  • Jeff a wannabe choir member . .  with no singing talent

Bible Reference:  Romans 12:6

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

 Song: none

SFX:   none

Costumes: standard

Props:  none

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 3

Sample of script:

Scene opens as Sue is standing on stage. Jeff walks in.

Sue (Very surprised.) Jeff? What are you doing here?

Jeff  What do you mean?

Sue Well, you do realize this is choir practice, don’t you?

Jeff Yes, of course! That’s why I’m here. (gets very serious, does stretching exercises – jumping jacks, knee bends, etc.) Can you believe how many people are here tonight?

Sue, shocked: Yes, Jeff, I can. These are choir members. They sing in the choir. They, along with me, are here every week to practice in the choir. (watches Jeff)  What are you doing?

Jeff, shocked: And you consider yourself an old pro! Ha! This is a choir practice, so, obviously I am warming up. Now, if you would please excuse me?

Sue Jeff, I can’t let you do this.

Jeff Do what?

Sue I can’t let you try and . . . that is, I won’t allow you to think you can . . . I mean you’re not a . . . Oh, for goodness sake! Jeff, you can’t sing!

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