DramaShare Ministries
Carrying Others
Carrying Others
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Being Real. With the help of a Scott Wesly Brown song, two young people get a lesson in what it means to say or sing words as part of a ministry. We touch lives everyday by what we do and say. Be aware!
A short 4-minute segment to emphasize the need to "be real" in living our Christianity.
Duet: "He Will Carry You", Scott Wesley Brown ¸ 1982 Birdwing Music / Cherry Lane
Song book.
Need a CD of "He Will Carry You", or instrumental accompaniment.
Cast (Note: any or all could be male or female)
Singer Trevor
Singer Andrea
Actor Patti
Singers would be dressed very formally to indicate a serious performance. Actor would be dressed in informal leisure clothing.
As action begins singers come to mic at front.
Sample of script:
Trevor (with great feeling): Andrea and I would like to sing a song for you, one which speaks clearly to us about just what it is to be a Christian. Our prayer is that you will recognize and be able to identify with the words in this song.
As duet ends Patti comes on stage, obviously overwhelmed by the words of the song.
Patti: That was truly awesome! No problem too big! No mountain too tall! You know, that brings a real peace to my mind. I have had a rough time lately, and that song somehow seems to provide answers and assurance. I really appreciate the way you ministered to me through that song!
Trevor : Ministered? We ministered to you? Er, that is, of course we did, didn't we Andrea? I mean, after all that is why we were singing, wasn't it, . . I think.
Patti: When you sang that part about Jesus carrying the weight of the world on His shoulders, I, I just realized that my problems, although overwhelming to me, are no problem for the Lord of all creation!
Andrea picks up song book, looks at words, shakes head.
Andrea: I'm sure that isn't in the song. After all, I mean, I would remember it if it was!
Trevor picks up sheet music, scans a couple of pages, smiles, points, says: "Sure it is! See, it's right there! Carry. . . . weight. . . . .carry you. Yep, it's all here all right. Funny, I've never noticed those words before.
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, is available at no charge to DramaShare members, and non-members may purchase the individual script.