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DramaShare Ministries

Carl's Garden

Carl's Garden

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Cast Number

Written by George Dutch, Adapted from a short story (Author unknown)
First performed at Dominion-Chalmers United Church, Sunday, October 28, 2001,
Ottawa, Canada. 

The "gang" thought they had found an easy mark with old Carl, but they ended up learning life"s lessons Forgiveness, understanding kindness, and knowing Christ.

Carl, a widower in his eighties
Gang Leader, a young man
Gang Members
College Professor

Garden Hose
Wallet & Watch
Paper Bag
Wedding Rings

Gang Members clothes
Bride's dress and bouquet
Graduation gown & cap, and diploma
Briefcase, contract, and keys to company car 

Bible reference: Colossians

Sample of script:

(Minister greets Carl, an old man, watering the church garden on a hot day. Carl gives the Minister a big smile and a firm handshake.)

Minister: (to audience) Carl doesn't talk much. He's been living in this neighbourhood for 50 years but I've never met anyone who could say they know him well. Was wounded in WWII. Wife died 20 years ago.

When I asked for volunteers to care for the garden here, Carl just signed up in his usual unassuming manner. That was 10 years ago and he's well into his eighties now.

(Minister walks away shaking his head. He passes three gang members with a boombox blaring.)

(The gang approaches Carl. He ignores them as they try to intimidate him. They shut off their music. Carl turns to them.)

Carl: (simply) Would you like a drink from the hose?

Gang Leader: (malevolently) Yeah, sure!

(As Carl offers the hose to him, the gang leader wrenches it away and turns the hose on the old man. The other gang members grab Carl's arm and throw him to the ground. They steal his watch and wallet. The gang leader turns the boombox back on and the gang exits.)

(Minister enters.)

Minister: Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?

(Minister helps Carl to his feet.)

Carl: Just some ignorant kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday.

(Carl shaking his head, passes his kerchief across his brow. The minister retrieves Carl's hat and hands it to the old man. Carl replaces the hat on his head, then picks up the hose and resumes watering.)

Minister: Carl, what are you doing?

Carl: I've got to finish my watering. (pause) It's been very dry lately.

(Minister marvels at Carl, then exits shaking his head again.)

(Gang members return bouncing a basketball between them. Just as before their threat is unchallenged. Carl again offers them a drink from the hose. The gang leader scoffs at his offer, then knocks the old man down by throwing the basketball against his chest. The gang members rush off. The gang leader turns back. He leans over Carl, who braces himself for an attack.)

Gang Leader: Don't worry old man, I'm not going to hurt you this time.

The complete script, plus all 2,000+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The "gang" thought they had found an easy mark with old Carl, but they ended up learning life"s lessons Forgiveness, understanding kindness, and knowing Christ

Sample of script:

(Minister greets Carl, an old man, watering the church garden on a hot day. Carl gives the Minister a big smile and a firm handshake.)

Minister: (to audience) Carl doesn't talk much. He's been living in this neighbourhood for 50 years but I've never met anyone who could say they know him well. Was wounded in WWII. Wife died 20 years ago.

When I asked for volunteers to care for the garden here, Carl just signed up in his usual unassuming manner. That was 10 years ago and he's well into his eighties now.

(Minister walks away shaking his head. He passes three gang members with a boombox blaring.)

(The gang approaches Carl. He ignores them as they try to intimidate him. They shut off their music. Carl turns to them.)

Carl: (simply) Would you like a drink from the hose?

Gang Leader: (malevolently) Yeah, sure!

(As Carl offers the hose to him, the gang leader wrenches it away and turns the hose on the old man. The other gang members grab Carl's arm and throw him to the ground. They steal his watch and wallet. The gang leader turns the boombox back on and the gang exits.)

(Minister enters.)

Minister: Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?

(Minister helps Carl to his feet.)

Carl: Just some ignorant kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday.

(Carl shaking his head, passes his kerchief across his brow. The minister retrieves Carl's hat and hands it to the old man. Carl replaces the hat on his head, then picks up the hose and resumes watering.)

Minister: Carl, what are you doing?

Carl: I've got to finish my watering. (pause) It's been very dry lately.

(Minister marvels at Carl, then exits shaking his head again.)

(Gang members return bouncing a basketball between them. Just as before their threat is unchallenged. Carl again offers them a drink from the hose. The gang leader scoffs at his offer, then knocks the old man down by throwing the basketball against his chest. The gang members rush off. The gang leader turns back. He leans over Carl, who braces himself for an attack.)

Gang Leader: Don't worry old man, I'm not going to hurt you this time.

The complete script, plus all 2,000+ other DramaShare scripts, is available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Image by toodlingstudio from Pixabay
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