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DramaShare Ministries

Called To Serve

Called To Serve

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Cast Number

Jesus showed the example of serving others and expects us to do the same.

The wonder of Christian servanthood.

Cast: 5 m or f

  • Parker
  • Riley
  • Jordan
  • Dakota
  • Kendall

Bible Reference: Galatians 5:13

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • clipboard, stethoscope, measuring tape

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4


actors standing around in group, Jordan looking closely at each one, makes notes, ignored

Kendall:      For sure an incredible session!. . . Mrs. Rogers knows her stuff, has great ideas.

Dakota:       Some sessions you don’t learn a whole bunch, sometimes a waste of time. . .  But like you say Kendall, this one was for sure well worthwhile being here!

Jordan comes in front of Dakota, measures height, writes notes

Riley:        Looking for best places to spend your time, where the need is greatest.

Jordan to Riley, checks muscles, writes notes

Parker:       Matching your strengths with the areas of greatest need.

Jordan to Parker, checks with stethoscope, writes notes

All others start to be a little uncomfortable with Jordan but try to ignore

Kendall:      I can’t wait to try out some of the ideas Mrs. Rogers mentioned about how to be there for people without making them feel inferior.

Jordan to Kendall, taps on Kendall’s knees to check reflexes, makes notes

Kendall:      Jordan exactly what do you think you are doing?

Jordan:       I should hope it would be obvious Kendall!

Jordan to Parker, wiggles Parker’s fingers, makes notes

Parker:       Look Jordan, what you are doing might be obvious to you but for me . . . you are just being a king size pain!

Jordan, shock: I am indeed shocked that you would say such a thing Parker. . . . But I will, in Christian love, ignore that hurtful comment.
Now then, I want all of you to stand in a straight line here.
(Jordan helps the others to form a line)
Stand up straight now, don’t slouch please.

Jordan measures the height of each person, then makes notes:

Jordan:       There you go Kendall, (say Kendall’s height).
And Riley I see you are, (say Riley’s height).
Dakota, wow, (say Dakota’s height).
Here now Parker, (say Parker’s height).
OK then, I will take it from here, will input all the data into my computer and . . .

Kendall, confused:
Data? . . . Input? . . . Computer? . . Wanna clue me in on what are you up to?

Jordan:       People! . . . People! . . . . Just what do you suppose I am doing here?

Riley:        Care to share?

Jordan:       We were all involved in Mrs. Rogers’ workshop on serving; am I correct? People! . . . Connect the dots!

Dakota:       I am guessing you are seeing dots, am I right Jordan? . . .

Kendall:      Maybe sit down for a bit Jordan. . . . The dots will go away.

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