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DramaShare Ministries

Called To Be Uncomfortable

Called To Be Uncomfortable

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Cast Number

od doesn’t call us to be comfortable.

He calls us to love one another. So in showing friendship and brotherhood to others we may at times be uncomfortable.

Cast: 5 m or f

    • 5 m or f, likely young
    • Parker
    • Riley
    • Jordan
    • Dakota
    • Kendall

Bible Reference: John 13:35

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: weird hat

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 3

Sample of script:

all come on stage talking

Parker:       Riley, I gotta tell you, that was one really strange group in there.

Riley:        I’d never seen some of those guys either Parker. But I thought it was an OK time.

Parker:       Yah most of the guys were OK I guess.

Riley:        Wait Parker . . . . So if some of the guys were OK, guess that means you think some of the guys weren’t OK.

Parker:       Wait a bit yourself Riley. I never said some of the guys weren’t OK! What made you say that?

Riley:        What made me say that? . . Maybe it was you saying “most of the guys in there were OK!”  (to Jordan) What would you think, Jordan, if Parker said that to you?

Jordan:       Well I would likely think, Parker, that you aren’t comfortable with some of the guys in the group.

Parker:       Exactly, Jordan. . .  Some of them are, I dunno . . . I  . . . am just really not comfortable with them.

Dakota:       Some? Such as who?

Parker:       Well there was that one girl with the purple hair and the . . .

Kendall:      And the nose ring?

Parker:       Yah, that’s the one I mean . . .

Kendall:      I know her, Desiree is her name.  She has had a really tough life. . . . Dad in prison, her mom works three jobs.

Parker:       See, that’s it. . . . I am just not comfortable with that sort of . . . people.
Her and that guy with the head thing.

Riley:        You mean Wasif, the guy wearing the turban?

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