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DramaShare Ministries

Bored or What

Bored or What

Regular price $15.00 USD
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Cast Number

Boredom, depression, what causes it, what can we do Biblically to reduce boredom and depression.

Comedy, a standard drama or puppet script.

Cast: 3

  • Jessie is bored, depressed
  • Penny is not strongly cerebral
  • Peter is trying to help

Bible Reference: Proverbs 84:12, 112:1, 144:15

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Jessie comes on stage, sighing, mopes around for a while then Penny comes on stage

Penny: Hey Jessie, how’s it?

Jessie ignores Penny, continues being bored

Penny: Jessie? Hellllooooo!

Penny gets right in Jessie’s face

Penny: Anyone home in there?

Penny jumps up and down to get Jessie’s attention

Penny: Earth to Jessie! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Peter comes on stage

Peter: Hey Penny! Hey Jessie!

Penny: Hey Peter.

Peter looks at Jessie

Peter: Did Jessie leave and forget to take him/herself?

Penny: My best efforts of getting Jessie to surface have been pretty much like catching fish in an egg timer.

Peter: I see what you mean . . . (does a double take) . . . “fish in an egg timer”?

Penny: Old saying, said by very old people.

Peter: And this old saying would mean . . .?

Penny: Have not the slightest idea.

Peter: Why am I not surprised?

Jessie: Would you guys stop your caterwallering and leave a person alone?

Peter: Welcome home, Jessie! Glad you could come visit with us . . and yourself.

Penny: We thought you had left . . . some parts behind.

Jessie sighs a big sigh

Penny: You OK Jessie?

Jessie sighs even more loudly

Penny: Speak to us Jessie! Are you OK?

Jessie sighs VERY loud

Peter: I sure don’t want to influence you Penny, but if I am guessing, that sigh would likely mean that no, Jessie is not entirely OK.

Penny, serious: You think?

Peter: Call it a premonition.

Penny: Is that like a hot fudge sundae?

Peter: Not even close. (looks at Jessie, speaks to Jessie) Wanna tell us what’s wrong Jessie?

Jessie sighs even more loudly

Peter: Not real happy are you Jessie?

Jessie, very annoyed:
No, I am not happy! I have no reason to be happy! I can see nothing happening in the foreseeable future which would make me happy! Now then, does that make you happy Peter?

Image by Petra from Pixabay
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