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DramaShare Ministries

Blessed, Though Frightened

Blessed, Though Frightened

Regular price $14.00 USD
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Cast Number

Mary and Joseph deal with their roles, and try to stay calm.

That's not easy in spite of the source of the advice of "do not be afraid."
This is a drama portraying Mary, the mother of Jesus and her husband Joseph.

Cast:    3

• Mary is intended to be 12 to 15 years of age
• Joseph is intended to be young adult male
• Narrator off stage, good expressive, deep voice

Bible Reference:    Luke 2

Set:      bare

Lighting:        standard

Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX:       none

Costumes:     likely traditional, should be a dull, drab color, likely brown. For Mary a shawl of slightly lighter color should be over the shoulders and head. Pin the shawl in place on the head in order that it does not obscure the actress' face.

Props:     none

Special Instructions:   none

Time:     25

Sample of script:

lights up 50%

Narrator speaks: Congratulations favored lady!

Lights up , as  Narrator speaks Mary looks around, confused. Joseph freezes at downstage right.

Narrator: Don't be frightened Mary, for God has decided to wonderfully bless you! Very soon now you will become pregnant and have a baby boy, and you are to call him 'Jesus'. He shall be very great and shall be called the Son of God. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his ancestor, David. And he shall reign over Israel forever; his kingdom shall never end.

Mary: But how can I have a baby? I am a virgin.

Narrator: The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall overshadow you; so the baby born to you shall be utterly holy - the Son of God.

Mary: I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to do whatever He wants. May everything you said come true.

Mary turns to face directly into the audience, looking slightly up above the audience.

Mary: A baby? I am to have a baby? I’m just 13.

That angel . . . . I wonder, was he really an angel, or was I just . . . No! I am sure it was an angel. . . . At least, I think it was. Likely. Our elders often speak of visits from the angels of God. So it’s not totally unnatural for this to happen. But to me, . . . Mary, . . . I’m not educated, what do I have to offer? I am just a peasant girl. Why would the angel visit me?

What was it that he said? "Wonderfully bless you", and, "the mother of the Son of God". I have to think! I need to remember every word the angel said. And more, I need to, understand, every word.

Maybe if I pray, and then pray again, maybe then the words will make sense.
A Messiah. A Saviour. God come to earth as long ago promised. The message the angel gave me is something my people have been waiting for, for centuries. But what do I do now? I have to tell someone.

I need advice. I know! I will go home, tell my parents. Mom and Dad will know what to do, they will . . .

No, I can’t do that. I am no longer a child. I am engaged to my fiancé, Joseph, I have been living in his house for three months now since we announced our engagement.
My parents would simply tell me to speak to Joseph. Speak to Joseph? I can’t do that . . . I mean, what would he think? I mean . . .

Help! Someone. Anyone?

Help me!

I am only a child, I didn’t ask for this.

Perhaps I was mistaken.

Yes, that’s it. Likely the meal I cooked earlier tonight, I think I overdid the spices a little. I remember looking at Joseph, trying to see his reaction, hoping for his approval, his mother is such a wonderful cook, I just don’t think I can ever . . .
That look on Joseph’s face, I thought at the time it was approval of my cooking, likely it was him reacting to too much spices, and he was just too kind to . . .

No, it wasn’t the spices, was it?

It was the angel of the Lord God Jehovah.

And I am pregnant.
And I am scared!
What will become of me?
I will do as the Lord wills. But I have never known such fear.

Mary freezes, crouches down. Joseph moves toward Mary, smiles, walks behind her.

Joseph: There she is, asleep. Thank you Jehovah for allowing her some rest. She acts so grown up, so in charge, but I hear her in her room at night, crying out in fear. That is natural. She is my bride-to-be, but she is only a child.

A child.

Carrying the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders.
I remember when she first told me of the angel and his message.
OK, so I admit it!
I didn’t take the news very well.
I mean, how was I to believe such a bizarre story?


With the child of the Lord God Jehovah?

I thought: if only she would just admit to having an affair, after all she is young, a child. It could be explained.

But the sacrilege of saying that this pregnancy was because of God Himself?  Who is ever going to believe that?

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