DramaShare Ministries
Blessed Lady
Blessed Lady
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Come be with "two Marys" as young teen Mary and adult Mary tell their stories about being a mother to Jesus, with offstage comments (OSV) from the angel Gabriel.
Those times were special, a moment in time given to a mother and her wondrous baby boy child . . . . and not so wondrous as a mother, (now an adult), watches her son is put to death by the humanity whom Jesus came to earth to save.
Cast: 3 (OSV) Gabrielle and two actresses who portray Mary, the mother of Jesus.
- YM - Young Mary is intended to be about 13-15 years old and portrays the time of Jesus' birth.
- AM - Adult Mary is early middle age and portrays Mary after the crucifixion.
- (OSV) Gabriel (Narrator) Off Stage Voice, good expressive, deep voice.
Bible Reference: Luke 2
Set: bare with 2 small, (3' X 4'), stage units near opposite Center offstage
- (YM) Young Mary stands on stage unit at one side
- (AM) Adult Mary stands on similar stage unit at opposite side
- The two acting positions are sufficiently separated that spotlights do not spill from one acting position to another.
Lighting: 2 spots
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: see Special Instructions
Special Instructions: Costumes, hair color, accessories, etc., should be identical to portray that these are the same person operating from a different time perspective. The size of the two actresses should also be approximately the same, if anything the Young Mary could be smaller than the Adult Mary. The costumes should be a dull, drab color, likely brown. A shawl of slightly lighter color should be over the shoulders and head. Pin the shawl in place on the head in order that it does not obscure the actress' face.
Time: 20
Sample of script:
actresses will be in acting positions prior to lights coming up, Narrator speaks as lights are coming up on YM.
OSV: Congratulations favored lady!
YM looks around, confused, frightened look on her face.
While OSV Gariel is speaking YM faces OM
OSV: Don't be frightened Mary, for God has decided to wonderfully bless you! Very soon now you will become pregnant and have a baby boy, and you are to call him 'Jesus'. He shall be very great and shall be called the Son of God. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his ancestor, David. And he shall reign over Israel forever; his kingdom shall never end.
YM: But how can I have a baby? I am a virgin.
Gabriel: The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall overshadow you; so the baby born to you shall be utterly holy - the Son of God.
YM: I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to do whatever He wants. May everything you said come true.
Mary turns to face directly into the audience, looking slightly up above the audience.
Mary: Our elders often speak of visitations from the angels of God. So it is not entirely unnatural to me that this should happen. But to me, Mary, a common, uneducated peasant girl? Why would the angel Gabriel visit me? And, what was it that he said? Things like, "wonderfully bless you", and, "the mother of the Son of God". I tried to remember every word that the angel had said. And more, I tried to, UNDERSTAND, every word. So I prayed, and thought, and prayed again until finally, the words of Gabriel made sense to me.
The message of the angel was something for which the Jewish people had been waiting for centuries. A Messiah. A Saviour. God come to earth as he had long ago promised.
I told no one of my visitor. But I prayed that God would inform Joseph. And in due course, God convinced my Joseph that it was appropriate that we be married.
I struggled, trying to believe in my own mind that I was destined to perform the greatest human duty of all time. But how could it be, that, of all women in the world, it was I who had been selected to carry the Son of God. And I am frightened by the load I bear. Surely, I thought, there was a woman more wise and worthy who should have had my place.
It was only after my visit with Elizabeth that I was convinced. And then I gave up trying to divorce my person from Gabriel's prophecy. I, the 15-year-old woman - child, no longer wondered and worried. Now my constant prayer was, "God, I offer all I am, help me be strong".
The long, tiring, uncomfortable trip to Bethlehem provided the opportunity for Joseph and me to discuss, even analyze, the momentous events which had been thrust upon us. Events far beyond the scope of our uneducated thinking, far beyond the comprehension of two simple peasant children.
Constantly in my mind was a parade of happy and mysterious and supernatural thoughts, thoughts which would unnerve the most refined of women. Under normal circumstances to have a baby is living proof of the most common miracle. A sad yet joy-filled tenderness to constrict the heart and mist the eyes. But to give birth to the very Son of God is, at age 15 or any age, a greater responsibility than any other person in history ever bore, the enormity of which could only be borne by one too young to truly appreciate it.
And then to arrive at Bethlehem only to find no room available! Dear Joseph! He was so upset that a stable would be the birthing place for my son, the King of Kings.
And then it happened! I held in my arms the one of whom the angels had foretold. This - the Messiah!
Lights dim out on YM. After a few seconds lights up on AM who looks toward AM as Narrator speaks.
OSV: And you Mary gave birth to your first child, a son. You wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the village inn.
The angel's announcement went out: Don't be afraid! I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Saviour - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born tonight in Bethlehem! How will you recognize him? You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger! Suddenly the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven - praising God! "Glory to God in the highest heaven", they sang, "and peace on earth for all those pleasing Him".
AM turns to face audience, looks up above audience.
AM: A stable? For God? Could he not at least have been born in the great palace of Herod the King? Or perhaps the Holy of Holies of the great Temple? But a manager? A rough trough out of which animals eat grain and hay?
There must be a reason, I thought, for the Almighty born of unknown and unimportant people in a stall meant for animals.