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DramaShare Ministries

Beautiful Mess

Beautiful Mess

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Cast Number

When lies and evil flourish the result becomes a mess. But when God becomes involved the mess can be transformed into a beautiful mess.

A group of students which receives detention for texting in class concocts a story of sexual assault by their teacher.

Cast: 7, male or female

Costumes: standard except for janitors who will be in coveralls

Props: the form of a small cross is laying flat on the floor, unseen by audience during the first part of the drama.Various classroom items such as books, backpacks, papers, coats, etc., are attached to the cross while it is laying on the floor. At the end the cross is raised to the teacher’s arms, making it look like the teacher is on the cross.

Time:  5

Sample of script:

Janitors J1, J2, J3 are standing motionless at extreme upstage positions, holding brooms and shovelsStudents Jessie, Dawn, Faith are sitting at desks or tables across downstage, facing a spot just out from offstage, the idea being that the audience can see the faces of the students but the students can appear to be somewhat looking at the teacher, students are mumbling, very unhappy.

Jessie: This sucks!

Dawn: I was supposed to meet Ellen and Patrice at the mall.

Jessie: Here we are, on detention!

Dawn: My dad’s a lawyer, I am gonna tell him that we were forced to stay after school when we threatened to go public after Henderson touched us inappropriately.

Faith: What are you guys talking about? . . . Mr. (Miss) Henderson caught us texting in class, and we all know that’s not allowed!

Jessie: I know that, and you know that . . but Henderson can’t prove it.

Dawn: So its his (her) word against ours.

Jessie: And last I heard that's 3 against 1.

Dawn: Time we are finished, Henderson will never teach another day. . . Everybody knows any mention of sexual assault and the teacher is done like dinner!

Faith: Sexual assault? . . .What do you mean, sexual assault . . Or 3 against 1? . . There is no way that I am gonna lie and say that teacher . . .

Jessie, approaches Faith threateningly, in her face: You, goody, goody Faith Jones, you will do and say exactly what we tell you to do and say! . . . You should maybe remember we were there when you stole the answers from the math test from Henderson’s briefcase.

Faith: You guys were there, you were the ones that talked me into doing it, and you kept the teacher busy while I photocopied the answer sheet.

Dawn: Yes for sure we were, but my old man, and, (pointing to Jessie), Jessie’s old man won’t really get that bent outta shape that we did it. . . . But on the other hand, your preacher daddy . .

Jessie: Preacher Jones may not be real pleased to hear that his goody, goody daughter is caught stealing from the teacher’s briefcase.

Faith: You wouldn’t!

Jessie: Try me, loser! . . Now here comes Henderson, you do and say what we tell you to do and say.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, is available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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