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DramaShare Ministries

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

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Moms experience the heavy feeling that can happen as each year another Christmas comes around. It can be difficult, among all the tinsel and tumult to realize not only our families but our neighbors are looking at us to see if there is relevance in what is important to us . . including Christmas.

Beautifully written by Brenda Tymecki

Cast:  1 (a mom)

Bible Reference:    Proverbs 1:8

Set:   bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX:  none


  • PJS and bathrobe


  • cup of tea
  • nativity scene

Special Instructions:   none

Time:  2

Sample of script:

(comes out in bath robe and pj’s with cup of tea and sits down)(sips tea)

Where’s the tea bag?
Oh well.
Is it over yet?
Please tell me it’s January.
It’s not is it?
If my brain is functioning correctly it’s Christmas Eve.
Okay let’s see, packages are wrapped, food has been bought, I know what I am wearing for tonight.
I hate to say it but I really don’t want to go to church tonight. I know it’s our family tradition and the kids actually look forward to it but I am just burned out. I just want to curl up and watch the Grinch and Charlie Brown and Rudolph and all the Christmas shows I grew up with, I don’t want to be mom and adult right now.

(looks at nativity)

I can’t believe I am sitting here mumbling about not wanting to go to church and hoping Christmas is over. What is wrong with me. This is one of the most glorious miracles of all time and I am whining.

I know what it is, the commercialization of Christmas.

I am so tired of hearing of all the things I must have to be “complete”.
Do I really need an ipod or a phone that is a TV, digital camera, radio and game player besides a phone - NO.

I can’t wait for all the ads to end, although after Christmas, the ads for all the stuff will be back saying to get it now with your gift certificates or just spend more money since no one was nice enough to buy it for you for Christmas. 

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
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