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Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us

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Community. Dictionary explains it this way:

A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

Throughout God's creation we see examples of what community means, or at least what it should mean, even in the animal kingdom.

That being the case shouldn't humans, God's centrepiece in His amazing creation endeavour, be the essence of cooperation and support?

Even, (or especially), when the world is tackling a scary global pandemic?
We were honored to write this script for Pastor Randy of West DesMoines Christian Church. His reaction was: "GREAT JOB!  It will work great for us. May we all be grateful for the gift, promise, power of community!" This was the 9th custom script we have written for Pastor Randy!

 Cast: 13 m or f, likely late teen to early 20's

  • Angela, the guest
  • Sara
  • Florence
  • Edie
  • Brenda
  • Sandy
  • Andi
  • Norm
  • James
  • Frank
  • Tony
  • Gerry
  • Phil

Bible Reference: Hebrews 13:2
Set: blank with table, chairs, couch
Sound: wireless mics if possible
Song: none
Lighting: ability to darken the set with spots between scenes would be useful
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 15

Sample of script:

Angela is sitting onstage
Voices are heard offstage, Angela listens

Voices start at a low level, slowly increasing in volume, indicating the group is approaching

Norm: Guys, I ran into Bill this morning; he was some steamed!

James:  Bill, steamed . . ? . . . You mean Bill Adams? . . . Him steamed?

Florence: Nah! . . . Steamed and Bill Adams just don’t go together.

Frank:  You must mean Bill’s sister Rebecca, she can sometimes make the apocalypse outta apple pie.

Norm: Noppers, t’was the one and only laid back, happy-go-lucky Billy Adams! . . . He was on a rant I tell ya!

Edie: Now you mention it Norm, I’ve been seeing a little change in Bill, sometimes kinda moody and a short fuse in the temper department.

Brenda: I for sure have seen Bill blow up over just nothing, its been over the last year I’d say. I talked to my Dad, he warned me, “a fella like that you just want to avoid on account’a he could explode any minute!” . . . So that’s what I’ve done!

Frank:  Well I’m sure your Dad is concerned for your safety Brenda, but we’re talking about our friend Bill here. I mean Bill’s a great guy, a friend to all of us. I mean, we can’t just walk away.

actors come on stage, talking, Angela isolated & ignored, on side of stage, visible by audience

Sandy:   I live next door to the Adams family, and I know a bit of what they have gone through. Bill’s mom and dad both lost their jobs because of the pandemic, and now they are afraid they might lose their home.

Shock among all actors

Tony: No way, why didn’t they tell us they are in trouble?

Gerry: How are we supposed to know they need help if they don’t tell us?

Phil: Exactly, after all we aren’t mind readers!

Andi: So, Bill’s steamed? . . .What about how we feel? I always thought Bill was a close friend! How could he be that unfair to not tell me what’s going on in his life . . . I mean we are friends; we are community!

Tony: Friends don’t do that to friends, I mean that’s what a community does, they share when things go well, but they also share when things are not going so well.

Sara: Bill and me, we even dated a couple of times; I wish he had told me about the troubles they are going through.

Edie:I get what you are saying Sara. . . You and Bill are in a relationship, and this is how he pays you back for being a friend who cares?

Sara:  Edie, those kinds of comments are simply silly and counterproductive. We are not and never have been in a relationship!

Andi: Hey, wait up here guys, if we are looking to help a neighbor in need, we need to quit the bickering and start looking for concrete answers to the problem.

Sandy:  Exactly Andi! . . .  but Bill begged me not to tell anyone about what his family is going through! I can’t break that trust,  . .can I?

Gerry: Look here Sandy, Andi, back up the truck a bit! The good Lord gave us a mouth for a reason. . . . You are having issues as a family; you can’t afford to be too proud to ask for a hand. We all know what the good book says about pride and how it goes before a fall. Maybe God is givin’ Mr. Adams a lesson in pride!

Sara: Gerry, you have never even met Mr. Adams or his family. How can you make a cruel statement like that without knowing one thing about them or the situation?

Gerry: Just sayin’!

Sara:  And I am, (mimics Gerry), just sayin’ . . . maybe you should drop in and meet the Adams family before you make that kind of comment.

Phil: I’d go along with that, you set it up and I will be there.

Angela becomes more interested, reacts to comments made, whether positive or negative

James:  Look you know me, I don’t say much but thing is, let’s face it, sure community needs to be there when one of our neighbors has problems. But no way are we gonna storm into the Adams living room and start handing out McDonald coupons. We need a plan of how we handle this community problem in a way that allows all the Adams family to keep their dignity.

Florence: Sandy, you live next door to the Adams family, can you tell us what happened?

Sandy: Short answer is . . Covid 19 happened.

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