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DramaShare Ministries

And Now He's Gone

And Now He's Gone

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Cast Number

Jesus is dead, those nearest to him mourning, each in their own way.

Set in the time when all likely somewhat doubting, that between the crucifixion and resurrection, some of the principal characters of Easter reflect on what the life and death of Jesus means to them.

This script was written by a dear friend Dorothy Kraljev. I wrote her a note recently and we shed a tear together as she, her husband and my wife all were on the "Cancer Trail." Amazing how God knows when we need someone!

Cast:    7

  • Narrator
  • Martha – old style broom
  • Thomas – palm leaf
  • Peter – fishing net
  • Mary Magdalene – red rose
  • John – chalice type cup
  • Mary, Jesus’ Mother – Jesus’ garment (white cloth)
  • Male characters may be included, omitted, or used independently in the script. If used independently, the female/male parts can be converted to fit the participating cast mix.

Bible Reference:    Matthew 27

Set: bare

Lighting:  standard

  Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX:  none

Costumes:   Biblical attire

The only scenery used is a large cross fixed to the rear of the stage. It can be effectively draped with a purple mantle, and a crown of thorns hung from the top.

Special Instructions:

  • cast is placed across the platform in the order of the narrator’s coming introduction. They may take whatever stance appropriate to their individual temperaments.
  • The narrator dressed in modern clothes, (or off stage) goes from one actor to the next, introducing them to the audience. At this time the characters remain in their personalities, as though unaware of the narrator’s presence
  • At the end of introduction, characters again freeze, except when delivering their part. Each stands at his turn and may move about, returning to his original position when lines are completed, then again freezing. Props may be picked up, or used in any way to best help characters emphasize their feelings.

Time: 10

Sample of script:

Our Lord is dead. Each of us in our own way mourns. Perhaps you can identify with the feeling of Martha – Her pangs of regret. Thomas – Entangled in doubt. Mary of Bethany – Her life took on meaning in Christ’s presence. She now questions the loss of her dearest friend. Peter – The Rock, God’s man…Frightened, hiding broken. Mary Magdalene – she allowed herself to become touchable and now is crushed beneath the weight of that same touch.. John – The Lord’s Beloved, attempting to stand on his Shepherd’s foundation. And lastly Jesus’ own mother – Dazed and grief-stricken, she struggles with the whys.

Narrator announces each character

How important it was, to be me, organized…Keep everything running smoothly. Let everyone know, Martha was in control TOGETHER!
From out of nowhere, He came into my life and all I knew to be true, went topsy-turvy. The more I clutched at security that which I could govern, He seemed determined to scramble my world and allow it to fall to pieces at His feet.
But then, just as quickly as He shattered my self-made being, he deftly picked up the splintered chips and, giving them sense, molded out of them a REASON for a living!
I was always too busy for allowing myself to be just “be.” To enjoy, and savor, and share with my Lord…
If I could only recapture a moment to anoint His precious hair…Listen to His wisdom…Just sit quietly at His feet…
But Now He’s Gone…

I don’t care what they say He is gone…Period! It is finished, done with…and we were fools…
For three years, I followed Him….Fighting doubts. Yet, when the dead arose, or the blind could see, then I Thomas…believed!… But where is my king now?
With Him, those signs died and with His death, my dream also died. It’s impossible to sift through it all…Why bother…I must move on. Move beyond the memories begin my life again…MY WAY!
Yet, a part of me remembers…It would be so much easier if only I could forget…Forever…
No matter…So what…I must get on with it. The vision is ended…

Mary of Bethany:
No one ever seemed to understand. People would laugh at me. Little Mary, the dreamer…They’d say.
And then, it seemed as from out of nowhere within the void of my questioning heart, He came…And made His home.
In an instant, Life took on meaning. How I would love to place myself at His feet, and there, my emptiness would be filled…With Him…What confidence and joy-filled my soul when my Jesus would look upon me, and smile. Even in quiet times when we were silent, I felt His reassurance knowing that He knew, and understood.
How simple my world became, as my friend taught me of love, giving, acceptance, and forgiveness…suddenly all the pieces fit together and I will never be the same again!
But why did He allow them to take? I need Him…How could He die?
My Lord, they hurt You so. How could You…Leave me…You said you would come back to me again…But You’re Gone!

And upon this rock…My God, where is that rock you believed in…Depended upon? Shattered, like so much rubble…
Big, strong, and proud I boasted that even if I had to die, I would never deny You!
I was God’s man yet became as a child when my Master was taken weak, without direction…frightened…and now alone…hiding…
It was being with Jesus, my friend, and companion that gave me strength. When He found me I was but an ordinary fisherman…Yet in His presence grew into a leader among men.
Why can’t I trust…hope…He said this sorrow would be turned into joy but my faith is so weak I can’t seem to understand or believe…
Jesus, my denial accuses me, torments me. I turned my back on YOU. How could You ever forgive me?
How can I forgive myself and live once more for You? My Lord, renew Your life in me, come into this man-child’s heart…AGAIN…

Mary Magdalene:
I used to feel dirty inside but He changed all that. No, I guess what He really did was to love ME into changing, and then He taught me what that beautiful word is really all about.

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