DramaShare Ministries
Ambassador in Chains
Ambassador in Chains
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Paul, from prison, discusses all that has happened in the ministry of Jesus Christ. A deeply moving account of Jesus' life on earth. The PDF file gives an example of music that could be used. The script was written by Karl Wagner.
Mamertine, a Roman prison, circa 60 AD. A three-sided set made to be cold, stone walls and floors. These are slimy and covered with mold and mildew. A warm, but not too
bright light comes down from overhead. This is where Luke and the others will be. There is nasty matted straw in a corner as a bed. A heavy canvas bag is near the bed, as
well as a few parchment scrolls. Some pieces of papyrus lay about.
It is relatively dark.
Sample of script:
PAUL (Awakens, yawning and stretching, looks about, then “sees” Luke through the hole above.) Lucas, can you move, you’re blocking the only light I have.
Luke… Look at you up there. A highly educated doctor by trade, and a Gentile no less, asleep above the prison cell of an old Jew, me, who awaits his own inevitable fate. Go ahead, Lucas, and sleep some more. I won’t wake you, yet. You are as exhausted as I am, my friend.
(Rising, with soreness) Baruch Ha'shem, Praise the Lord! I have seen another morning. I thank you, God, Eternal One, for lovingly restoring my soul to me, filled with Your eternal trust.
(Putting his Tallit over his head) Blessed are You, our God, Creator of time and space, who enriches our lives with holiness, commanding us to wrap ourselves in the tallit.
(A single shaft of light comes from above, drawing PAUL’s attention)
Oh, Boker Tov, Lucas, good morning. It’s hard to sleep up there, isn’t it? You should try sleeping down here.
Yes, I’ve been up for a while. What? Oh, just praying and thinking. I’ve been thinking about Timothy some more. I miss him, so very much. He has been such a comfort and such a breath of new life in the ministry.
(Sits, and speaks, looking up to Luke)
Sliha, forgive me. I didn’t mean to imply that you have not been a comfort. You have been faithful and I thank God for you daily. I have no desire to hurt your feelings,
Luke, but, The Holy Spirit has made it clear to me that Timothy is very special, and he is needed. I just hope he can come before winter.
Yes, a lot does depend on whether the letter reaches him in time. If it does, Timothy will be here, if the Lord wills. All in God’s time, …all in God’s time.
Luke, there is something I,…feel I,…need to share with you.
I have needed to talk about it for some time.
"Chain BW-1" by wildrosetn39 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .