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Aloha Surfer Dude - Series

Aloha Surfer Dude - Series

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A VBS 5 part series program written to work alone or with other program.

The Aloha Surfer Dude series is a fun and lighthearted drama centered around Al, an over-the-top surfer who prefers "surfing on sand" to actual water because it’s better for his hair. Through comedic misunderstandings and surfer slang, Al interacts with Lisa and Reagan, who challenge his beliefs and introduce him to biblical truths.

The sketches in this series can be ordered as a complete set by ordering this script, or individually by ordering the scripts below. The individual sketches are:

  • Part 1 - "Aloha Surfer Dude - The Real One" - God is real. Al is all about "Surfers on Sand," but when his friends introduce him to a real, undeniable truth—that God spoke to Moses—Al has to rethink what’s really "real."
  • Part 2 – “Aloha Surfer Dude – The Son”. Jesus is God’s son. Al learns that faith isn't about legendary figures like "Surfin’ Sandy"—it's about the real and living Jesus, God's Son. Will he finally catch this wave of truth?
  • Part 3 – “Aloha Surfer Dude – The Way”. Jesus is the only way. When Al loses his surfboard (or does he?), his search leads him to a much bigger discovery—Jesus is the only way to salvation.
  • Part 4 – “Aloha Surfer Dude – The Word”. The Bible is God’s word. Mistaken identity, a crazy fan, and a missing surf champion?! Al learns that when it comes to truth, the best source is the Bible!
  • Part 5 – “Aloha Surfer Dude – The Truth”. My actions show what I believe. Al’s reckless surf moves put others in danger—but his friends remind him that faith isn’t just talk, it’s action! Inspired by the Good Samaritan, Al must decide: will his actions reflect his beliefs?

NOTE:  Works with LifeWay’s “Outrigger Island” VBS program. DramaShare is in no way connected with LifeWay, and these scripts were written at a DramaShare member’s request, we did not see any LifeWay materials, (other than that which is open and visible on the LifeWay website).

Bible Reference: various starting with Genesis
Cast: 3 - 4 (m or f, could be any age)

Time: approx 7 minutes each

Set: none required, could show a shore and seascape with backdrop

Lighting and sound: standard

Costumes: beachwear

Props: surfboard, magnifying glass

Sample of The Real One

Day 1: God is real. God spoke to Moses. I can believe God is real, there is no other God
Exodus 3, 13:17-14:31

Al comes on stage carrying a surfboard, puts it down with a great flourish, adjusts clothes and hair, gets on board and “surfs” the pretend waves.

Al, falls off board: Whooooaaaa! Now that was a wave and a half I tell ya!
(gets back on board carefully)
Steady big fella!
(rocks back and forth)
These waves are about all that this surfer dude can take!
Lucky I am like a way, good surfer!

Lisa and Reagan come on stage, watching Al, kind of shocked, amused, watch as Al “hits a wave, gets knocked off the board, lands on his back

Al: Wow, guys, did you see that wave?

Lisa: Wave . . .?

Al: That sucker must’a been like 80 feet high is my guess!

Lisa, confused: “Wave”? . . . You mean like . . (mimes waves with hands) . . . waves?

Al: For sure! . . . And I was just ripping!

Reagan: “Ripping”?

Al: Like phat man!

Reagan: Who you callin’ fat?

Lisa: No Reagan, I think he meant phat, as in (spells) P – H – A – T.

Reagan: Lisa, no matter how you spell it, fat is fat.

Lisa: P – H – A – T, I think means like . . excellent, first rate.

Reagan: Then if it's excellent why not just say excellent?

Al: Who are you dudes?

Reagan: Dudes?

Lisa: Reagan, dudes means like . . people.

Reagan: If he means people why not just say people?

Al: You guys for sure talk like spaced, my guess is you dudes aren't board dudes.

Reagan: Bored? . . Why should we be bored?

Lisa: No, Reagan, he means B-O-A-R-D, board people, guys who are surfboarders.

Reagan: OK, I am Reagan, this here is my friend Lisa. . . And you are . . ?

Al: The one and only . .

Aloha Surfer Dude – The Son

©Copyright DramaShare® 2008

(Al and Zip come on stage carrying surfboards. Zip says nothing, doesn’t react to any voices, just silently and slowly “surfs.”)

Al: OK, Zip, here we are... SOS... Surfin’ on sand, here we come! (Moves a few feet on stage.) Here, this looks like a good spot, Zip. Let’s surf here, OK?

(Both actors get set up, standing on their boards.)

Al: Wow, looks good for surfin’ today, huh, Zip?

(Zip motions straight ahead with hands. Both actors move as though surfing.)

Al: Wooohooo! Can you believe these waves, Zip? I never did ask you—what’s with the name... Zip?

(Zip motions “moving quickly.”)

Al: I gotcha, a real speedy mover, huh? Well, for sure you are that! And a primo sand surfer to boot! Not much on talking, are you? But hey, some folks say I talk enough for three or four surfers. But then... I am... the one and only... Al, the Aloha Surfer Dude!

(Zip mimes bowing down to Al.)

Al: As you should bow down!

(Lisa and Reagan come on stage, watching quietly as the surfers surf.)

Al: (Looks of fear.) Hey, look out! Here comes a big one!

(Al and Zip tumble to the floor, get back up, brush themselves off, mime drying themselves.)

Al: Whoooaaaa! Now that was a doozie!

Reagan: Look, guys, I have been standing here, watching... you guys are standing on solid sand.

Al: Shifting sand, actually.

Reagan: Like I say... solid sand... and everything is quiet and still...

Al: Quiet and still? What color is the sky in your world, dude?

Reagan: Like I say... quiet and still.

Al: Let’s mount up, Zip.

Reagan: (To Zip.) Your name is Zip? What’s with a name like that?

(Zip motions “moving quickly.”)

Reagan: What's with that?

Al: My friend Zip—he’s telling you that his name is Zip ‘cause he moves so fast.

Reagan: Do we get to see some fast moves anytime soon?

Al: (To Zip.) Hey, son, let’s go show the skeptics what we can do!

Lisa: You trying to tell us that Zip is your son?

Al: (Amazed.) Nooooooo! He’s not like my son—he is like... my son!

Reagan: So glad you cleared that one up.

Al: You dudes are so uncool! Let me try to enlighten you. See, to us surfer dudes, like everyone is a son... but no one is a son, dig it?

Lisa: Sorry, it's pretty much un-dug.

Al: I can see that I gotta get way down to basics here... See, no one anywhere is anyone’s son, OK?

Reagan: Jesus is God’s Son.

Al: Look, like that is just pure silly. I mean, like, how can anyone be like God’s Son? Whoever told you that one?

Reagan: The Bible.

Al: You mean, like, folks actually read Bibles?

Want to see how the story unfolds? DramaShare members get this complete script— and access to our entire library—free! Not a member? You can still grab this individual script and bring it to life.

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