DramaShare Ministries
All Nature Rejoiced 2
All Nature Rejoiced 2
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A remake, (with more humor and action), of our original "All Nature Rejoiced" script, this easily staged children’s Christmas program tells the story of the birth of Jesus using animals and birds, (played by younger children), who speak of what they saw and how they served. Older children or adults play the parts of angels (Michael and Gabriel), Mary, Joseph, shepherds and Wise Men. NOTE the two angels have larger roles therefor extra memorization will be key.
Time: 30 (with music)
Cast: 20 or more
20 (+ or -) (to adjust actor #’s needed call DramaShare for “Script Tweaking”) Angel Gabriel
Angel Michael
Shepherds (any number)
Kings (any number)
Animals (donkey, sheep, squirrel, cow, goat, cat, camel, turtle)
Birds (owl, chicken)
Little Drummer Boy (child with some singing ability)
OSV, (offstage voice), in Scene II
Add as many non-speaking actors, (angels, shepherds, animals) as available
Set: a blank set is fine but can be dressed up as much as desired. (Manger plans available from DramaShare).
Sound: An adult may need to hold mic for the younger children, lapel mics as available
Costumes: Animals and birds may wear small items or identifying images, costumes basic or elaborate as desired
Angels, wise men, Mary and Joseph in traditional attire
Little Drummer Boy is dressed appropriately
Props: little drum, electronic candles for all
Song: Away In A Manger (between Part I and II)
Little Drummer Boy (between Part II and III)
Silent Night (at the end)
(or other song(s) as desired)
Bible Reference: Luke 2
Special Instructions:
The three parts in the program flow immediately into the next, no stops
Animals and birds are in an acting location on one side of the stage, the nativity scene at the other side
Little Drummer Boy sits among Animals/Birds but has no part until his song when he will gently tap the drum and move to the nativity scene, others sing along
After Scene III, (before Silent Night), electronic candles on, house lights down
Sample of script:
Scene I
Turtle. Donkey, Sheep, Chicken, Cow, Squirrel, Cat, Owl (parts could be combined) Turtle comes onstage where other animals and birds are milling around, excited
Turtle, puffing: What is happening here? . . . . I heard the excitement and I came as fast as I could! . . .But I am out of breath and somewhat nauseous!
Donkey: Oh, hee-haw, Turtle, it’s a fun time, time to kick up your heels! It was a hee-haw fun time here and you missed it. Far’s I can see most of the excitement’s over. So . . Hee-hawwww!
Sheep: Don’t baaaaa beeee cruel Donkey, remember Turtles been working for Farmer Dean in his corn field, down near Ames.
Chicken: Poc, Poc, Poc, that’s right Donkey, all of us Iowa farm birds and animals came, Poc, Poc, fast as we could. So don’t be hard on ol’ Turtle here. Turtle maybe has same trouble as his boss’ John Deere tractor, no high gears, but he did his best to be here for the little baby and his parents.
Cow: I was mooooost, (most), proud of you Chicken, protecting at the door so no one would come in to hurt the baby.
Chicken: I tell yuh, Cow, I might be small but get me fired up and . . .
Turtle, puffing: Oh I am so sorry I missed all the excitement . . . Tell me please, who is the baby?
Sheep: I know, I know Turtle, it is the baaaaa-aby, (baby), Jesus.
Squirrel, teeth chatter: OK Sheep, I do not want to sound . . ahh . . . nutty, but who are the baby’s parents? . . . (teeth chatter)!
Cat: I know that Squiirrely, it’s those big humans over by the meeeooowww-anger, (manger).
Donkey: Heee-Haww! Cat, just between you and me, I overheard the owner of this barn say the mother is Mary, father’s a carpenter name’a Joseph.
Owl: Really Donkey, that is strange. Hoooo-wow, (how), could Joseph be the father? I heard the angels say that this baby was the Son of God!
Squirrel: Strange indeed Owl! . . . I’m like, up a tree on that comment! . . .Pardon me for sayin’ it but that sounds, . .(teeth chatter), . . bad nutty. . . (teeth chatter)!
Song: Away In A Manager
Scene II - Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Michael, Shepherd(s), Kings. OSV (offstage voice)
OSV: Attention all, prepare to welcome the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator of all Creation!
First, the chief of the Angelic Retinue . . .
Gabriel, interrupts: Whatcha doin’ there God’s Announcer? Y’all trying’ fer ta wake the dead? How many times the Creator He ‘splains ta y’alls . . . Keep it simple! . .
OSV: But . . Gabriel!
Gabriel: Thang is, heavenly folks hereabouts, calls me mostly, "Gaby, God’s go to guy!"
OSV, stern: Gabriel!
Gabriel: Y’alls know I’m like, chief of the winged folks, and fer sure y’alls know I toot an A1 trumpet, some about calls me tooter Supreme, fer a fact!
OSV: I have never! . . And wherever have you been?
Gabriel: Don’t y’alls gets yer toga in a twist!
(pause, paces)
Yes, dear God’s Announcer, I am the angel Gabriel.
And I was on a special assignment, sent to earth from God.
Michael: I am the angel Michael, and I went with Gabriel.
OSV: Thank God!
Gabriel: Fer a fact! . . But see, thang was . . . Our God, my God, saw that the folks he’d gone and created, flat out weren’t following his rules.
Fact is, y’alls, He needed someone real special to show ‘em how they oughta live.
Michael: Only God’s own son, Jesus, could do.
Gabriel: So God, he figured best sent me to the little town ‘a Nazareth.
To this most special and amazin’ young girl, Mary.