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DramaShare Ministries

Advent Faith

Advent Faith

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Cast Number

A drama, useful at any time of year, illustrates the faith of things unseen, such as the faith of the Advent season.

Two actors are on their way for a wonderful day in the mountains. One sees the beautiful view, the other sees the rocks “which could come tumbling down any minute!”

Bible Reference: John 20:29

Cast: 2 M or F

Set, costumes, lighting, sound: standard

Props: two chairs, bag of food, water bottle, flashlight, map

actors sitting on chairs, miming driving in a car

Time: 4

Sample Script:

Pat: All right! Here we go then, off to the mountains!

Tim: Yeah, man, this will be great! Do we have everything we need?

Pat: Everything! Here’s our food, I got money out of the bank, we have a big jug of freshwater, flashlights, tent, sleeping bags, here’s my map.
Tim: Map? Let me see that.

Pat: Wow, look at those beautiful mountains! See, way up there?

Tim: All I see is that sign, “Beware Of Falling Rocks”! Yikes, see those rocks up there, just ready to roll down on us!

Pat: “Ready to roll down on us”, what do you mean?

Tim: Look, if there wasn’t a danger of the rocks falling, they wouldn’t have put the signup! Of course, the rocks are ready to roll down on us!

Pat: Well, I mean, sure there’s a chance of the rocks falling down...

Tim: See! Even you admit it! The rocks are going to fall on us! We will be killed! Oh, why did we ever come to the mountains?

Pat: Why did we come? We came to enjoy the beautiful scenery, that’s why! See, down there, a lovely lake! And up there, on the side of that mountain, a mountain goat!

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