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DramaShare Ministries

Abraham Portrait of Obedience

Abraham Portrait of Obedience

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Obeying God regardless of the cost. 

It also foreshadows the suffering of Jesus.

Abraham, a study in obedience.  When, in DramaShare workshops we need a script to teach emotions on stage, I always include this script. Extreme emotions are likely the most difficult task in directing. As explained in our very popular training manual, "Improving through Improv-ing," even seasoned actors struggle with fear, pain, incredible joy, laughter, crying, . . , often coming across as laughter or some "unfelt emotion." In our workshops, in unscripted live improv, Abraham builds a fire, emotionally gathering every log, lay it down, glancing at the boy, up to the sky for a sign of release. Abraham lovingly, emotionally guides the boy to a bench, sloped so audience can see action, takes a paper "knife with long blade," very high over head very slow motion, all sobbing, brings knife down until the blade touches boy, there God cries out!
If anyone, actor or viewer can do this and not have tears, the action was not good enough!

As with all in this ongoing series the first part of the drama is spent with the children during the church service, then they proceed to their Sunday School class and continue with the lesson.

Bible reference: Genesis 22

Cast: 3, older adult, young boy to young adult, offstage VOG (voice of God, deep, emotional)

Set: bare, a desert with a bench under which logs are placed or two stools together

Lighting: somewhat subdued to indicate sun is setting

Sound: standard

Costumes:  For this series "to work" and to engage the imagination of the children, extra efforts are required. Call DramaShare for details on creating or obtaining costumes

Props:  altar at DS center. lunch  in a bag, shepherd staff, stack of wood, fake knife

Sample of script:

Abraham enters and takes his place at downstage right. He leans gently on his shepherd staff. After a few moments, dialogue begins…

GOD: Abraham!

ABRAHAM: looking up  Here I am.

GOD: Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.

ABRAHAM: speaking to audience  I am familiar with God's voice because I have heard it several times before. However, I must admit, this request I do not understand. God has promised to make my offspring as countless as the stars in the sky, but now He is asking me to sacrifice my one and only son. (Paces a bit as he thinks.) The Lord has always been faithful me. It didn't make sense when He called me to leave my father's house and go to an unknown land. He showed me the way and blessed me. I begged Him to show mercy to my nephew Lot before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah and He did. I do not understand this thing He asks of me now, but I must obey and believe that God will provide.

ABRAHAM  exits as lights fade. Off-stage, ABRAHAM places a knife in his belt and picks up the stack of wood. Lights come up to reflect early morning. ABRAHAM enters.

ABRAHAM:  again, speaking to audience  I have cut enough wood for the burnt offering. (ABRAHAM  puts wood down.) I told Sarah that God commanded me to take Isaac into the mountains to perform a burnt offering, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her that Isaac himself was to be the sacrifice. God has promised to establish His covenant with Isaac. I must hold on to that promise. (Looks to downstage right and calls for his son) Isaac!


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