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A Lesson Learned

A Lesson Learned

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Cast Number

The rich man comes to Jesus asking what he must do to have eternal life.

Even though certain things in the scriptures are spoken directly to certain people, playwright Karl Wagner uses the story as advice meant for all of us.

Cast: 2 m

  • Hosah - middle age, a man of past affluence
  • Yorum - late twenties to early thirties

Bible Reference:

  • Matthew 19:16-20:16, Mark 10:17-31, Luke18:18-30


  • a campsite setting off to the side

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • staff, purse, necklace


  • Hosah wears typical clothing of the New Testament times
  • Yorum is wearing rich clothing

Special Instructions:

  • could be done as a monologue
  • there is already a rather long monologue at the end

Time: 25

Sample of script:

HOSAH ENTERS, looks around, looking a little lost.

HOSAH: I think that’s everything. I have my staff, my empty purse, and a change of clothes. I believe that I am ready. It is time to begin my new life. No more fine clothes, no more riches...

touches chest, feels necklace, removes from cloak, examines. Deep sigh

HOSAH: I almost forgot this. An heirloom from my father, who received it from his father...and the list goes backward for a lot of generations.
(Looking at audience, speaks)
Gold, and some very nice jewels. Worth a fortune, here...but in heaven, worthless.
(drops necklace on ground, looks up to heaven)
Lord, let someone who truly needs it, find it.
(turns back to audience, speaks)
I have sold all that I owned, and have given the money to the poor. Now I go to follow the Teacher. I pray that He will accept me.
You see, the words He spoke, He spoke not to me, but to a friend of mine, Yoram. Well, a friend is not the best term, we weren’t friends, but I knew him well. He is still what I was, a very wealthy man.
Yoram is young, and a member of the ruling class of people. He also traded far and wide, which helped to build his affluence. That is how I met him.
A few months back, I was camped near an oasis, just outside of Jericho. Yoram came to visit me one night. I was glad to see him,... he is a man of influence, and not afraid to spend a denarius or two...(Smiling) ...or fifty, if you have the right products.

HOSAH moves to campsite set, gestures YORAM into camp.

Note: One does not draw near the fire of another without being asked, it’s considered the same as walking into their home.

HOSAH: Yoram! Come. Sit. I welcome you to my fire.

YORAM: Thank you, Hosah. You are always a generous host.

HOSAH: What good is having some wealth, if one cannot share it with his worthy friends. We can share some wine, some food, a little more wine...and a few stories as well.

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